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Describe attributes of the dataframe according to ARFF specification.


Name Type Description Default
df (DataFrame, shape(n_samples, n_features))

The dataframe containing the data set.



Name Type Description
attributes_arff list[str]

The data set attributes as required by the ARFF format.

Source code in openml/datasets/
def attributes_arff_from_df(df: pd.DataFrame) -> list[tuple[str, list[str] | str]]:
    """Describe attributes of the dataframe according to ARFF specification.

    df : DataFrame, shape (n_samples, n_features)
        The dataframe containing the data set.

    attributes_arff : list[str]
        The data set attributes as required by the ARFF format.
    PD_DTYPES_TO_ARFF_DTYPE = {"integer": "INTEGER", "floating": "REAL", "string": "STRING"}
    attributes_arff: list[tuple[str, list[str] | str]] = []

    if not all(isinstance(column_name, str) for column_name in df.columns):
        logger.warning("Converting non-str column names to str.")
        df.columns = [str(column_name) for column_name in df.columns]

    for column_name in df:
        # skipna=True does not infer properly the dtype. The NA values are
        # dropped before the inference instead.
        column_dtype = pd.api.types.infer_dtype(df[column_name].dropna(), skipna=False)

        if column_dtype == "categorical":
            # for categorical feature, arff expects a list string. However, a
            # categorical column can contain mixed type and should therefore
            # raise an error asking to convert all entries to string.
            categories = df[column_name].cat.categories
            categories_dtype = pd.api.types.infer_dtype(categories)
            if categories_dtype not in ("string", "unicode"):
                raise ValueError(
                    f"The column '{column_name}' of the dataframe is of "
                    "'category' dtype. Therefore, all values in "
                    "this columns should be string. Please "
                    "convert the entries which are not string. "
                    f"Got {categories_dtype} dtype in this column.",
            attributes_arff.append((column_name, categories.tolist()))
        elif column_dtype == "boolean":
            # boolean are encoded as categorical.
            attributes_arff.append((column_name, ["True", "False"]))
        elif column_dtype in PD_DTYPES_TO_ARFF_DTYPE:
            attributes_arff.append((column_name, PD_DTYPES_TO_ARFF_DTYPE[column_dtype]))
            raise ValueError(
                f"The dtype '{column_dtype}' of the column '{column_name}' is not "
                "currently supported by liac-arff. Supported "
                "dtypes are categorical, string, integer, "
                "floating, and boolean.",
    return attributes_arff

check_datasets_active(dataset_ids, raise_error_if_not_exist=True)

Check if the dataset ids provided are active.

Raises an error if a dataset_id in the given list of dataset_ids does not exist on the server and raise_error_if_not_exist is set to True (default).


Name Type Description Default
dataset_ids List[int]

A list of integers representing dataset ids.

raise_error_if_not_exist bool(default=True)

Flag that if activated can raise an error, if one or more of the given dataset ids do not exist on the server.



Type Description

A dictionary with items {did: bool}

Source code in openml/datasets/
def check_datasets_active(
    dataset_ids: list[int],
    raise_error_if_not_exist: bool = True,  # noqa: FBT001, FBT002
) -> dict[int, bool]:
    Check if the dataset ids provided are active.

    Raises an error if a dataset_id in the given list
    of dataset_ids does not exist on the server and
    `raise_error_if_not_exist` is set to True (default).

    dataset_ids : List[int]
        A list of integers representing dataset ids.
    raise_error_if_not_exist : bool (default=True)
        Flag that if activated can raise an error, if one or more of the
        given dataset ids do not exist on the server.

        A dictionary with items {did: bool}
    datasets = list_datasets(status="all", data_id=dataset_ids, output_format="dataframe")
    missing = set(dataset_ids) - set(datasets.get("did", []))
    if raise_error_if_not_exist and missing:
        missing_str = ", ".join(str(did) for did in missing)
        raise ValueError(f"Could not find dataset(s) {missing_str} in OpenML dataset list.")
    return dict(datasets["status"] == "active")

create_dataset(name, description, creator, contributor, collection_date, language, licence, attributes, data, default_target_attribute, ignore_attribute, citation, row_id_attribute=None, original_data_url=None, paper_url=None, update_comment=None, version_label=None)

Create a dataset.

This function creates an OpenMLDataset object. The OpenMLDataset object contains information related to the dataset and the actual data file.


Name Type Description Default
name str

Name of the dataset.

description str

Description of the dataset.

creator str

The person who created the dataset.

contributor str

People who contributed to the current version of the dataset.

collection_date str

The date the data was originally collected, given by the uploader.

language str

Language in which the data is represented. Starts with 1 upper case letter, rest lower case, e.g. 'English'.

licence str

License of the data.

attributes list, dict, or 'auto'

A list of tuples. Each tuple consists of the attribute name and type. If passing a pandas DataFrame, the attributes can be automatically inferred by passing 'auto'. Specific attributes can be manually specified by a passing a dictionary where the key is the name of the attribute and the value is the data type of the attribute.

data (ndarray, list, dataframe, coo_matrix, shape(n_samples, n_features))

An array that contains both the attributes and the targets. When providing a dataframe, the attribute names and type can be inferred by passing attributes='auto'. The target feature is indicated as meta-data of the dataset.

default_target_attribute str

The default target attribute, if it exists. Can have multiple values, comma separated.

ignore_attribute str | list

Attributes that should be excluded in modelling, such as identifiers and indexes. Can have multiple values, comma separated.

citation str

Reference(s) that should be cited when building on this data.

version_label str

Version label provided by user. Can be a date, hash, or some other type of id.

row_id_attribute str

The attribute that represents the row-id column, if present in the dataset. If data is a dataframe and row_id_attribute is not specified, the index of the dataframe will be used as the row_id_attribute. If the name of the index is None, it will be discarded.

.. versionadded: 0.8 Inference of row_id_attribute from a dataframe.

original_data_url str

For derived data, the url to the original dataset.

paper_url str

Link to a paper describing the dataset.

update_comment str

An explanation for when the dataset is uploaded.



Name Type Description
class `openml.OpenMLDataset`
Dataset description.
Source code in openml/datasets/
def create_dataset(  # noqa: C901, PLR0912, PLR0915
    name: str,
    description: str | None,
    creator: str | None,
    contributor: str | None,
    collection_date: str | None,
    language: str | None,
    licence: str | None,
    # TODO(eddiebergman): Docstring says `type` but I don't know what this is other than strings
    # Edit: Found it could also be like ["True", "False"]
    attributes: list[tuple[str, str | list[str]]] | dict[str, str | list[str]] | Literal["auto"],
    data: pd.DataFrame | np.ndarray | scipy.sparse.coo_matrix,
    # TODO(eddiebergman): Function requires `default_target_attribute` exist but API allows None
    default_target_attribute: str,
    ignore_attribute: str | list[str] | None,
    citation: str,
    row_id_attribute: str | None = None,
    original_data_url: str | None = None,
    paper_url: str | None = None,
    update_comment: str | None = None,
    version_label: str | None = None,
) -> OpenMLDataset:
    """Create a dataset.

    This function creates an OpenMLDataset object.
    The OpenMLDataset object contains information related to the dataset
    and the actual data file.

    name : str
        Name of the dataset.
    description : str
        Description of the dataset.
    creator : str
        The person who created the dataset.
    contributor : str
        People who contributed to the current version of the dataset.
    collection_date : str
        The date the data was originally collected, given by the uploader.
    language : str
        Language in which the data is represented.
        Starts with 1 upper case letter, rest lower case, e.g. 'English'.
    licence : str
        License of the data.
    attributes : list, dict, or 'auto'
        A list of tuples. Each tuple consists of the attribute name and type.
        If passing a pandas DataFrame, the attributes can be automatically
        inferred by passing ``'auto'``. Specific attributes can be manually
        specified by a passing a dictionary where the key is the name of the
        attribute and the value is the data type of the attribute.
    data : ndarray, list, dataframe, coo_matrix, shape (n_samples, n_features)
        An array that contains both the attributes and the targets. When
        providing a dataframe, the attribute names and type can be inferred by
        passing ``attributes='auto'``.
        The target feature is indicated as meta-data of the dataset.
    default_target_attribute : str
        The default target attribute, if it exists.
        Can have multiple values, comma separated.
    ignore_attribute : str | list
        Attributes that should be excluded in modelling,
        such as identifiers and indexes.
        Can have multiple values, comma separated.
    citation : str
        Reference(s) that should be cited when building on this data.
    version_label : str, optional
        Version label provided by user.
         Can be a date, hash, or some other type of id.
    row_id_attribute : str, optional
        The attribute that represents the row-id column, if present in the
        dataset. If ``data`` is a dataframe and ``row_id_attribute`` is not
        specified, the index of the dataframe will be used as the
        ``row_id_attribute``. If the name of the index is ``None``, it will
        be discarded.

        .. versionadded: 0.8
            Inference of ``row_id_attribute`` from a dataframe.
    original_data_url : str, optional
        For derived data, the url to the original dataset.
    paper_url : str, optional
        Link to a paper describing the dataset.
    update_comment : str, optional
        An explanation for when the dataset is uploaded.

    Dataset description.
    if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame):
        # infer the row id from the index of the dataset
        if row_id_attribute is None:
            row_id_attribute =
        # When calling data.values, the index will be skipped.
        # We need to reset the index such that it is part of the data.
        if is not None:
            data = data.reset_index()

    if attributes == "auto" or isinstance(attributes, dict):
        if not isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame):
            raise ValueError(
                "Automatically inferring attributes requires "
                f"a pandas DataFrame. A {data!r} was given instead.",
        # infer the type of data for each column of the DataFrame
        attributes_ = attributes_arff_from_df(data)
        if isinstance(attributes, dict):
            # override the attributes which was specified by the user
            for attr_idx in range(len(attributes_)):
                attr_name = attributes_[attr_idx][0]
                if attr_name in attributes:
                    attributes_[attr_idx] = (attr_name, attributes[attr_name])
        attributes_ = attributes
    ignore_attributes = _expand_parameter(ignore_attribute)
    _validated_data_attributes(ignore_attributes, attributes_, "ignore_attribute")

    default_target_attributes = _expand_parameter(default_target_attribute)
    _validated_data_attributes(default_target_attributes, attributes_, "default_target_attribute")

    if row_id_attribute is not None:
        is_row_id_an_attribute = any(attr[0] == row_id_attribute for attr in attributes_)
        if not is_row_id_an_attribute:
            raise ValueError(
                "'row_id_attribute' should be one of the data attribute. "
                " Got '{}' while candidates are {}.".format(
                    [attr[0] for attr in attributes_],

    if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame):
        if all(isinstance(dtype, pd.SparseDtype) for dtype in data.dtypes):
            data = data.sparse.to_coo()
            # liac-arff only support COO matrices with sorted rows
            row_idx_sorted = np.argsort(data.row)  # type: ignore
            data.row = data.row[row_idx_sorted]  # type: ignore
            data.col = data.col[row_idx_sorted]  # type: ignore
   =[row_idx_sorted]  # type: ignore
            data = data.to_numpy()

    data_format: Literal["arff", "sparse_arff"]
    if isinstance(data, (list, np.ndarray)):
        if isinstance(data[0], (list, np.ndarray)):
            data_format = "arff"
        elif isinstance(data[0], dict):
            data_format = "sparse_arff"
            raise ValueError(
                "When giving a list or a numpy.ndarray, "
                "they should contain a list/ numpy.ndarray "
                "for dense data or a dictionary for sparse "
                f"data. Got {data[0]!r} instead.",
    elif isinstance(data, coo_matrix):
        data_format = "sparse_arff"
        raise ValueError(
            "When giving a list or a numpy.ndarray, "
            "they should contain a list/ numpy.ndarray "
            "for dense data or a dictionary for sparse "
            f"data. Got {data[0]!r} instead.",

    arff_object = {
        "relation": name,
        "description": description,
        "attributes": attributes_,
        "data": data,

    # serializes the ARFF dataset object and returns a string
    arff_dataset = arff.dumps(arff_object)
        # check if ARFF is valid
        decoder = arff.ArffDecoder()
        return_type = arff.COO if data_format == "sparse_arff" else arff.DENSE
        decoder.decode(arff_dataset, encode_nominal=True, return_type=return_type)
    except arff.ArffException as e:
        raise ValueError(
            "The arguments you have provided do not construct a valid ARFF file"
        ) from e

    return OpenMLDataset(

data_feature_add_ontology(data_id, index, ontology)

An ontology describes the concept that are described in a feature. An ontology is defined by an URL where the information is provided. Adds an ontology (URL) to a given dataset feature (defined by a dataset id and index). The dataset has to exists on OpenML and needs to have been processed by the evaluation engine.


Name Type Description Default
data_id int

id of the dataset to which the feature belongs

index int

index of the feature in dataset (0-based)

ontology str

URL to ontology (max. 256 characters)



Type Description
True or throws an OpenML server exception
Source code in openml/datasets/
def data_feature_add_ontology(data_id: int, index: int, ontology: str) -> bool:
    An ontology describes the concept that are described in a feature. An
    ontology is defined by an URL where the information is provided. Adds
    an ontology (URL) to a given dataset feature (defined by a dataset id
    and index). The dataset has to exists on OpenML and needs to have been
    processed by the evaluation engine.

    data_id : int
        id of the dataset to which the feature belongs
    index : int
        index of the feature in dataset (0-based)
    ontology : str
        URL to ontology (max. 256 characters)

    True or throws an OpenML server exception
    upload_data: dict[str, int | str] = {"data_id": data_id, "index": index, "ontology": ontology}
    openml._api_calls._perform_api_call("data/feature/ontology/add", "post", data=upload_data)
    # an error will be thrown in case the request was unsuccessful
    return True

data_feature_remove_ontology(data_id, index, ontology)

Removes an existing ontology (URL) from a given dataset feature (defined by a dataset id and index). The dataset has to exists on OpenML and needs to have been processed by the evaluation engine. Ontology needs to be attached to the specific fearure.


Name Type Description Default
data_id int

id of the dataset to which the feature belongs

index int

index of the feature in dataset (0-based)

ontology str

URL to ontology (max. 256 characters)



Type Description
True or throws an OpenML server exception
Source code in openml/datasets/
def data_feature_remove_ontology(data_id: int, index: int, ontology: str) -> bool:
    Removes an existing ontology (URL) from a given dataset feature (defined
    by a dataset id and index). The dataset has to exists on OpenML and needs
    to have been processed by the evaluation engine. Ontology needs to be
    attached to the specific fearure.

    data_id : int
        id of the dataset to which the feature belongs
    index : int
        index of the feature in dataset (0-based)
    ontology : str
        URL to ontology (max. 256 characters)

    True or throws an OpenML server exception
    upload_data: dict[str, int | str] = {"data_id": data_id, "index": index, "ontology": ontology}
    openml._api_calls._perform_api_call("data/feature/ontology/remove", "post", data=upload_data)
    # an error will be thrown in case the request was unsuccessful
    return True


Delete dataset with id dataset_id from the OpenML server.

This can only be done if you are the owner of the dataset and no tasks are attached to the dataset.


Name Type Description Default
dataset_id int

OpenML id of the dataset



Type Description

True if the deletion was successful. False otherwise.

Source code in openml/datasets/
def delete_dataset(dataset_id: int) -> bool:
    """Delete dataset with id `dataset_id` from the OpenML server.

    This can only be done if you are the owner of the dataset and
    no tasks are attached to the dataset.

    dataset_id : int
        OpenML id of the dataset

        True if the deletion was successful. False otherwise.
    return openml.utils._delete_entity("data", dataset_id)

edit_dataset(data_id, description=None, creator=None, contributor=None, collection_date=None, language=None, default_target_attribute=None, ignore_attribute=None, citation=None, row_id_attribute=None, original_data_url=None, paper_url=None)

Edits an OpenMLDataset.

In addition to providing the dataset id of the dataset to edit (through data_id), you must specify a value for at least one of the optional function arguments, i.e. one value for a field to edit.

This function allows editing of both non-critical and critical fields. Critical fields are default_target_attribute, ignore_attribute, row_id_attribute.

  • Editing non-critical data fields is allowed for all authenticated users.
  • Editing critical fields is allowed only for the owner, provided there are no tasks associated with this dataset.

If dataset has tasks or if the user is not the owner, the only way to edit critical fields is to use fork_dataset followed by edit_dataset.


Name Type Description Default
data_id int

ID of the dataset.

description str

Description of the dataset.

creator str

The person who created the dataset.

contributor str

People who contributed to the current version of the dataset.

collection_date str

The date the data was originally collected, given by the uploader.

language str

Language in which the data is represented. Starts with 1 upper case letter, rest lower case, e.g. 'English'.

default_target_attribute str

The default target attribute, if it exists. Can have multiple values, comma separated.

ignore_attribute str | list

Attributes that should be excluded in modelling, such as identifiers and indexes.

citation str

Reference(s) that should be cited when building on this data.

row_id_attribute str

The attribute that represents the row-id column, if present in the dataset. If data is a dataframe and row_id_attribute is not specified, the index of the dataframe will be used as the row_id_attribute. If the name of the index is None, it will be discarded.

.. versionadded: 0.8 Inference of row_id_attribute from a dataframe.

original_data_url str

For derived data, the url to the original dataset.

paper_url str

Link to a paper describing the dataset.



Type Description
Dataset id
Source code in openml/datasets/
def edit_dataset(
    data_id: int,
    description: str | None = None,
    creator: str | None = None,
    contributor: str | None = None,
    collection_date: str | None = None,
    language: str | None = None,
    default_target_attribute: str | None = None,
    ignore_attribute: str | list[str] | None = None,
    citation: str | None = None,
    row_id_attribute: str | None = None,
    original_data_url: str | None = None,
    paper_url: str | None = None,
) -> int:
    """Edits an OpenMLDataset.

    In addition to providing the dataset id of the dataset to edit (through data_id),
    you must specify a value for at least one of the optional function arguments,
    i.e. one value for a field to edit.

    This function allows editing of both non-critical and critical fields.
    Critical fields are default_target_attribute, ignore_attribute, row_id_attribute.

     - Editing non-critical data fields is allowed for all authenticated users.
     - Editing critical fields is allowed only for the owner, provided there are no tasks
       associated with this dataset.

    If dataset has tasks or if the user is not the owner, the only way
    to edit critical fields is to use fork_dataset followed by edit_dataset.

    data_id : int
        ID of the dataset.
    description : str
        Description of the dataset.
    creator : str
        The person who created the dataset.
    contributor : str
        People who contributed to the current version of the dataset.
    collection_date : str
        The date the data was originally collected, given by the uploader.
    language : str
        Language in which the data is represented.
        Starts with 1 upper case letter, rest lower case, e.g. 'English'.
    default_target_attribute : str
        The default target attribute, if it exists.
        Can have multiple values, comma separated.
    ignore_attribute : str | list
        Attributes that should be excluded in modelling,
        such as identifiers and indexes.
    citation : str
        Reference(s) that should be cited when building on this data.
    row_id_attribute : str, optional
        The attribute that represents the row-id column, if present in the
        dataset. If ``data`` is a dataframe and ``row_id_attribute`` is not
        specified, the index of the dataframe will be used as the
        ``row_id_attribute``. If the name of the index is ``None``, it will
        be discarded.

        .. versionadded: 0.8
            Inference of ``row_id_attribute`` from a dataframe.
    original_data_url : str, optional
        For derived data, the url to the original dataset.
    paper_url : str, optional
        Link to a paper describing the dataset.

    Dataset id
    if not isinstance(data_id, int):
        raise TypeError(f"`data_id` must be of type `int`, not {type(data_id)}.")

    # compose data edit parameters as xml
    form_data = {"data_id": data_id}  # type: openml._api_calls.DATA_TYPE
    xml = OrderedDict()  # type: 'OrderedDict[str, OrderedDict]'
    xml["oml:data_edit_parameters"] = OrderedDict()
    xml["oml:data_edit_parameters"]["@xmlns:oml"] = ""
    xml["oml:data_edit_parameters"]["oml:description"] = description
    xml["oml:data_edit_parameters"]["oml:creator"] = creator
    xml["oml:data_edit_parameters"]["oml:contributor"] = contributor
    xml["oml:data_edit_parameters"]["oml:collection_date"] = collection_date
    xml["oml:data_edit_parameters"]["oml:language"] = language
    xml["oml:data_edit_parameters"]["oml:default_target_attribute"] = default_target_attribute
    xml["oml:data_edit_parameters"]["oml:row_id_attribute"] = row_id_attribute
    xml["oml:data_edit_parameters"]["oml:ignore_attribute"] = ignore_attribute
    xml["oml:data_edit_parameters"]["oml:citation"] = citation
    xml["oml:data_edit_parameters"]["oml:original_data_url"] = original_data_url
    xml["oml:data_edit_parameters"]["oml:paper_url"] = paper_url

    # delete None inputs
    for k in list(xml["oml:data_edit_parameters"]):
        if not xml["oml:data_edit_parameters"][k]:
            del xml["oml:data_edit_parameters"][k]

    file_elements = {
        "edit_parameters": ("description.xml", xmltodict.unparse(xml)),
    }  # type: openml._api_calls.FILE_ELEMENTS_TYPE
    result_xml = openml._api_calls._perform_api_call(
    result = xmltodict.parse(result_xml)
    data_id = result["oml:data_edit"]["oml:id"]
    return int(data_id)


Creates a new dataset version, with the authenticated user as the new owner. The forked dataset can have distinct dataset meta-data, but the actual data itself is shared with the original version.

This API is intended for use when a user is unable to edit the critical fields of a dataset through the edit_dataset API. (Critical fields are default_target_attribute, ignore_attribute, row_id_attribute.)

Specifically, this happens when the user is: 1. Not the owner of the dataset. 2. User is the owner of the dataset, but the dataset has tasks.

In these two cases the only way to edit critical fields is: 1. STEP 1: Fork the dataset using fork_dataset API 2. STEP 2: Call edit_dataset API on the forked version.


Name Type Description Default
data_id int

id of the dataset to be forked



Type Description
Dataset id of the forked dataset
Source code in openml/datasets/
def fork_dataset(data_id: int) -> int:
     Creates a new dataset version, with the authenticated user as the new owner.
     The forked dataset can have distinct dataset meta-data,
     but the actual data itself is shared with the original version.

     This API is intended for use when a user is unable to edit the critical fields of a dataset
     through the edit_dataset API.
     (Critical fields are default_target_attribute, ignore_attribute, row_id_attribute.)

     Specifically, this happens when the user is:
            1. Not the owner of the dataset.
            2. User is the owner of the dataset, but the dataset has tasks.

     In these two cases the only way to edit critical fields is:
            1. STEP 1: Fork the dataset using fork_dataset API
            2. STEP 2: Call edit_dataset API on the forked version.

    data_id : int
        id of the dataset to be forked

    Dataset id of the forked dataset

    if not isinstance(data_id, int):
        raise TypeError(f"`data_id` must be of type `int`, not {type(data_id)}.")
    # compose data fork parameters
    form_data = {"data_id": data_id}  # type: openml._api_calls.DATA_TYPE
    result_xml = openml._api_calls._perform_api_call("data/fork", "post", data=form_data)
    result = xmltodict.parse(result_xml)
    data_id = result["oml:data_fork"]["oml:id"]
    return int(data_id)

get_dataset(dataset_id, download_data=None, version=None, error_if_multiple=False, cache_format='pickle', download_qualities=None, download_features_meta_data=None, download_all_files=False, force_refresh_cache=False)

Download the OpenML dataset representation, optionally also download actual data file.

This function is by default NOT thread/multiprocessing safe, as this function uses caching. A check will be performed to determine if the information has previously been downloaded to a cache, and if so be loaded from disk instead of retrieved from the server.

To make this function thread safe, you can install the python package oslo.concurrency. If oslo.concurrency is installed get_dataset becomes thread safe.

Alternatively, to make this function thread/multiprocessing safe initialize the cache first by calling get_dataset(args) once before calling get_dataset(args) many times in parallel. This will initialize the cache and later calls will use the cache in a thread/multiprocessing safe way.

If dataset is retrieved by name, a version may be specified. If no version is specified and multiple versions of the dataset exist, the earliest version of the dataset that is still active will be returned. If no version is specified, multiple versions of the dataset exist and exception_if_multiple is set to True, this function will raise an exception.


Name Type Description Default
dataset_id int or str

Dataset ID of the dataset to download

download_data bool(default=True)

If True, also download the data file. Beware that some datasets are large and it might make the operation noticeably slower. Metadata is also still retrieved. If False, create the OpenMLDataset and only populate it with the metadata. The data may later be retrieved through the OpenMLDataset.get_data method.

version (int, optional(default=None))

Specifies the version if dataset_id is specified by name. If no version is specified, retrieve the least recent still active version.

error_if_multiple bool(default=False)

If True raise an error if multiple datasets are found with matching criteria.

cache_format str(default='pickle') in {'pickle', 'feather'}

Format for caching the dataset - may be feather or pickle Note that the default 'pickle' option may load slower than feather when no.of.rows is very high.

download_qualities bool(default=True)

Option to download 'qualities' meta-data in addition to the minimal dataset description. If True, download and cache the qualities file. If False, create the OpenMLDataset without qualities metadata. The data may later be added to the OpenMLDataset through the OpenMLDataset.load_metadata(qualities=True) method.

download_features_meta_data bool(default=True)

Option to download 'features' meta-data in addition to the minimal dataset description. If True, download and cache the features file. If False, create the OpenMLDataset without features metadata. The data may later be added to the OpenMLDataset through the OpenMLDataset.load_metadata(features=True) method.

download_all_files bool

EXPERIMENTAL. Download all files related to the dataset that reside on the server. Useful for datasets which refer to auxiliary files (e.g., meta-album).

force_refresh_cache bool(default=False)

Force the cache to refreshed by deleting the cache directory and re-downloading the data. Note, if force_refresh_cache is True, get_dataset is NOT thread/multiprocessing safe, because this creates a race condition to creating and deleting the cache; as in general with the cache.



Name Type Description
dataset :class:`openml.OpenMLDataset`

The downloaded dataset.

Source code in openml/datasets/
def get_dataset(  # noqa: C901, PLR0912
    dataset_id: int | str,
    download_data: bool | None = None,  # Optional for deprecation warning; later again only bool
    version: int | None = None,
    error_if_multiple: bool = False,  # noqa: FBT002, FBT001
    cache_format: Literal["pickle", "feather"] = "pickle",
    download_qualities: bool | None = None,  # Same as above
    download_features_meta_data: bool | None = None,  # Same as above
    download_all_files: bool = False,  # noqa: FBT002, FBT001
    force_refresh_cache: bool = False,  # noqa: FBT001, FBT002
) -> OpenMLDataset:
    """Download the OpenML dataset representation, optionally also download actual data file.

    This function is by default NOT thread/multiprocessing safe, as this function uses caching.
    A check will be performed to determine if the information has previously been downloaded to a
    cache, and if so be loaded from disk instead of retrieved from the server.

    To make this function thread safe, you can install the python package ``oslo.concurrency``.
    If ``oslo.concurrency`` is installed `get_dataset` becomes thread safe.

    Alternatively, to make this function thread/multiprocessing safe initialize the cache first by
    calling `get_dataset(args)` once before calling `get_dataset(args)` many times in parallel.
    This will initialize the cache and later calls will use the cache in a thread/multiprocessing
    safe way.

    If dataset is retrieved by name, a version may be specified.
    If no version is specified and multiple versions of the dataset exist,
    the earliest version of the dataset that is still active will be returned.
    If no version is specified, multiple versions of the dataset exist and
    ``exception_if_multiple`` is set to ``True``, this function will raise an exception.

    dataset_id : int or str
        Dataset ID of the dataset to download
    download_data : bool (default=True)
        If True, also download the data file. Beware that some datasets are large and it might
        make the operation noticeably slower. Metadata is also still retrieved.
        If False, create the OpenMLDataset and only populate it with the metadata.
        The data may later be retrieved through the `OpenMLDataset.get_data` method.
    version : int, optional (default=None)
        Specifies the version if `dataset_id` is specified by name.
        If no version is specified, retrieve the least recent still active version.
    error_if_multiple : bool (default=False)
        If ``True`` raise an error if multiple datasets are found with matching criteria.
    cache_format : str (default='pickle') in {'pickle', 'feather'}
        Format for caching the dataset - may be feather or pickle
        Note that the default 'pickle' option may load slower than feather when
        no.of.rows is very high.
    download_qualities : bool (default=True)
        Option to download 'qualities' meta-data in addition to the minimal dataset description.
        If True, download and cache the qualities file.
        If False, create the OpenMLDataset without qualities metadata. The data may later be added
        to the OpenMLDataset through the `OpenMLDataset.load_metadata(qualities=True)` method.
    download_features_meta_data : bool (default=True)
        Option to download 'features' meta-data in addition to the minimal dataset description.
        If True, download and cache the features file.
        If False, create the OpenMLDataset without features metadata. The data may later be added
        to the OpenMLDataset through the `OpenMLDataset.load_metadata(features=True)` method.
    download_all_files: bool (default=False)
        EXPERIMENTAL. Download all files related to the dataset that reside on the server.
        Useful for datasets which refer to auxiliary files (e.g., meta-album).
    force_refresh_cache : bool (default=False)
        Force the cache to refreshed by deleting the cache directory and re-downloading the data.
        Note, if `force_refresh_cache` is True, `get_dataset` is NOT thread/multiprocessing safe,
        because this creates a race condition to creating and deleting the cache; as in general with
        the cache.

    dataset : :class:`openml.OpenMLDataset`
        The downloaded dataset.
    # TODO(0.15): Remove the deprecation warning and make the default False; adjust types above
    #   and documentation. Also remove None-to-True-cases below
    if any(
        download_flag is None
        for download_flag in [download_data, download_qualities, download_features_meta_data]
            "Starting from Version 0.15 `download_data`, `download_qualities`, and `download_featu"
            "res_meta_data` will all be ``False`` instead of ``True`` by default to enable lazy "
            "loading. To disable this message until version 0.15 explicitly set `download_data`, "
            "`download_qualities`, and `download_features_meta_data` to a bool while calling "

    download_data = True if download_data is None else download_data
    download_qualities = True if download_qualities is None else download_qualities
    download_features_meta_data = (
        True if download_features_meta_data is None else download_features_meta_data

    if download_all_files:
            "``download_all_files`` is experimental and is likely to break with new releases.",

    if cache_format not in ["feather", "pickle"]:
        raise ValueError(
            "cache_format must be one of 'feather' or 'pickle. "
            f"Invalid format specified: {cache_format}",

    if isinstance(dataset_id, str):
            dataset_id = int(dataset_id)
        except ValueError:
            dataset_id = _name_to_id(dataset_id, version, error_if_multiple)  # type: ignore
    elif not isinstance(dataset_id, int):
        raise TypeError(
            f"`dataset_id` must be one of `str` or `int`, not {type(dataset_id)}.",

    if force_refresh_cache:
        did_cache_dir = _get_cache_dir_for_id(DATASETS_CACHE_DIR_NAME, dataset_id)
        if did_cache_dir.exists():
            _remove_cache_dir_for_id(DATASETS_CACHE_DIR_NAME, did_cache_dir)

    did_cache_dir = _create_cache_directory_for_id(

    remove_dataset_cache = True
        description = _get_dataset_description(did_cache_dir, dataset_id)
        features_file = None
        qualities_file = None

        if download_features_meta_data:
            features_file = _get_dataset_features_file(did_cache_dir, dataset_id)
        if download_qualities:
            qualities_file = _get_dataset_qualities_file(did_cache_dir, dataset_id)

        arff_file = _get_dataset_arff(description) if download_data else None
        if "oml:parquet_url" in description and download_data:
                parquet_file = _get_dataset_parquet(
            except urllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError:
                parquet_file = None
            if parquet_file is None and arff_file:
                logger.warning("Failed to download parquet, fallback on ARFF.")
            parquet_file = None
        remove_dataset_cache = False
    except OpenMLServerException as e:
        # if there was an exception
        # check if the user had access to the dataset
        if e.code == NO_ACCESS_GRANTED_ERRCODE:
            raise OpenMLPrivateDatasetError(e.message) from None

        raise e
        if remove_dataset_cache:
            _remove_cache_dir_for_id(DATASETS_CACHE_DIR_NAME, did_cache_dir)

    return _create_dataset_from_description(

get_datasets(dataset_ids, download_data=True, download_qualities=True)

Download datasets.

This function iterates :meth:openml.datasets.get_dataset.


Name Type Description Default
dataset_ids iterable

Integers or strings representing dataset ids or dataset names. If dataset names are specified, the least recent still active dataset version is returned.

download_data bool

If True, also download the data file. Beware that some datasets are large and it might make the operation noticeably slower. Metadata is also still retrieved. If False, create the OpenMLDataset and only populate it with the metadata. The data may later be retrieved through the OpenMLDataset.get_data method.

download_qualities (bool, optional(default=True))

If True, also download qualities.xml file. If False it skip the qualities.xml.



Name Type Description
datasets list of datasets

A list of dataset objects.

Source code in openml/datasets/
def get_datasets(
    dataset_ids: list[str | int],
    download_data: bool = True,  # noqa: FBT001, FBT002
    download_qualities: bool = True,  # noqa: FBT001, FBT002
) -> list[OpenMLDataset]:
    """Download datasets.

    This function iterates :meth:`openml.datasets.get_dataset`.

    dataset_ids : iterable
        Integers or strings representing dataset ids or dataset names.
        If dataset names are specified, the least recent still active dataset version is returned.
    download_data : bool, optional
        If True, also download the data file. Beware that some datasets are large and it might
        make the operation noticeably slower. Metadata is also still retrieved.
        If False, create the OpenMLDataset and only populate it with the metadata.
        The data may later be retrieved through the `OpenMLDataset.get_data` method.
    download_qualities : bool, optional (default=True)
        If True, also download qualities.xml file. If False it skip the qualities.xml.

    datasets : list of datasets
        A list of dataset objects.
    datasets = []
    for dataset_id in dataset_ids:
            get_dataset(dataset_id, download_data, download_qualities=download_qualities),
    return datasets

list_datasets(data_id=None, offset=None, size=None, status=None, tag=None, output_format='dict', **kwargs)

list_datasets(data_id: list[int] | None = ..., offset: int | None = ..., size: int | None = ..., status: str | None = ..., tag: str | None = ..., *, output_format: Literal['dataframe'], **kwargs: Any) -> pd.DataFrame
list_datasets(data_id: list[int] | None, offset: int | None, size: int | None, status: str | None, tag: str | None, output_format: Literal['dataframe'], **kwargs: Any) -> pd.DataFrame
list_datasets(data_id: list[int] | None = ..., offset: int | None = ..., size: int | None = ..., status: str | None = ..., tag: str | None = ..., output_format: Literal['dict'] = 'dict', **kwargs: Any) -> pd.DataFrame

Return a list of all dataset which are on OpenML. Supports large amount of results.


Name Type Description Default
data_id list

A list of data ids, to specify which datasets should be listed

offset int

The number of datasets to skip, starting from the first.

size int

The maximum number of datasets to show.

status str

Should be {active, in_preparation, deactivated}. By default active datasets are returned, but also datasets from another status can be requested.

tag str
output_format Literal['dataframe', 'dict']

The parameter decides the format of the output. - If 'dict' the output is a dict of dict - If 'dataframe' the output is a pandas DataFrame

kwargs dict

Legal filter operators (keys in the dict): data_name, data_version, number_instances, number_features, number_classes, number_missing_values.



Name Type Description
datasets dict of dicts, or dataframe
  • If output_format='dict' A mapping from dataset ID to dict.

    Every dataset is represented by a dictionary containing the following information: - dataset id - name - format - status If qualities are calculated for the dataset, some of these are also returned.

  • If output_format='dataframe' Each row maps to a dataset Each column contains the following information:

    • dataset id
    • name
    • format
    • status If qualities are calculated for the dataset, some of these are also included as columns.
Source code in openml/datasets/
def list_datasets(
    data_id: list[int] | None = None,
    offset: int | None = None,
    size: int | None = None,
    status: str | None = None,
    tag: str | None = None,
    output_format: Literal["dataframe", "dict"] = "dict",
    **kwargs: Any,
) -> dict | pd.DataFrame:
    Return a list of all dataset which are on OpenML.
    Supports large amount of results.

    data_id : list, optional
        A list of data ids, to specify which datasets should be
    offset : int, optional
        The number of datasets to skip, starting from the first.
    size : int, optional
        The maximum number of datasets to show.
    status : str, optional
        Should be {active, in_preparation, deactivated}. By
        default active datasets are returned, but also datasets
        from another status can be requested.
    tag : str, optional
    output_format: str, optional (default='dict')
        The parameter decides the format of the output.
        - If 'dict' the output is a dict of dict
        - If 'dataframe' the output is a pandas DataFrame
    kwargs : dict, optional
        Legal filter operators (keys in the dict):
        data_name, data_version, number_instances,
        number_features, number_classes, number_missing_values.

    datasets : dict of dicts, or dataframe
        - If output_format='dict'
            A mapping from dataset ID to dict.

            Every dataset is represented by a dictionary containing
            the following information:
            - dataset id
            - name
            - format
            - status
            If qualities are calculated for the dataset, some of
            these are also returned.

        - If output_format='dataframe'
            Each row maps to a dataset
            Each column contains the following information:
            - dataset id
            - name
            - format
            - status
            If qualities are calculated for the dataset, some of
            these are also included as columns.
    if output_format not in ["dataframe", "dict"]:
        raise ValueError(
            "Invalid output format selected. " "Only 'dict' or 'dataframe' applicable.",

    # TODO: [0.15]
    if output_format == "dict":
        msg = (
            "Support for `output_format` of 'dict' will be removed in 0.15 "
            "and pandas dataframes will be returned instead. To ensure your code "
            "will continue to work, use `output_format`='dataframe'."
        warnings.warn(msg, category=FutureWarning, stacklevel=2)

    return openml.utils._list_all(  # type: ignore
        list_output_format=output_format,  # type: ignore


Return list of data qualities available.

The function performs an API call to retrieve the entire list of data qualities that are computed on the datasets uploaded.


Type Description
Source code in openml/datasets/
def list_qualities() -> list[str]:
    """Return list of data qualities available.

    The function performs an API call to retrieve the entire list of
    data qualities that are computed on the datasets uploaded.

    api_call = "data/qualities/list"
    xml_string = openml._api_calls._perform_api_call(api_call, "get")
    qualities = xmltodict.parse(xml_string, force_list=("oml:quality"))
    # Minimalistic check if the XML is useful
    if "oml:data_qualities_list" not in qualities:
        raise ValueError('Error in return XML, does not contain "oml:data_qualities_list"')

    if not isinstance(qualities["oml:data_qualities_list"]["oml:quality"], list):
        raise TypeError("Error in return XML, does not contain " '"oml:quality" as a list')

    return qualities["oml:data_qualities_list"]["oml:quality"]

status_update(data_id, status)

Updates the status of a dataset to either 'active' or 'deactivated'. Please see the OpenML API documentation for a description of the status and all legal status transitions:


Name Type Description Default
data_id int

The data id of the dataset

status (str,)

'active' or 'deactivated'

Source code in openml/datasets/
def status_update(data_id: int, status: Literal["active", "deactivated"]) -> None:
    Updates the status of a dataset to either 'active' or 'deactivated'.
    Please see the OpenML API documentation for a description of the status
    and all legal status transitions:

    data_id : int
        The data id of the dataset
    status : str,
        'active' or 'deactivated'
    legal_status = {"active", "deactivated"}
    if status not in legal_status:
        raise ValueError(f"Illegal status value. Legal values: {legal_status}")

    data: openml._api_calls.DATA_TYPE = {"data_id": data_id, "status": status}
    result_xml = openml._api_calls._perform_api_call("data/status/update", "post", data=data)
    result = xmltodict.parse(result_xml)
    server_data_id = result["oml:data_status_update"]["oml:id"]
    server_status = result["oml:data_status_update"]["oml:status"]
    if status != server_status or int(data_id) != int(server_data_id):
        # This should never happen
        raise ValueError("Data id/status does not collide")