Go to the end to download the full example code.
van Rijn and Hutter (2018)¶
A tutorial on how to reproduce the paper Hyperparameter Importance Across Datasets.
Example Deprecation Warning!¶
This example is not supported anymore by the OpenML-Python developers. The example is kept for reference purposes but not tested anymore.
Hyperparameter importance across datasets
Jan N. van Rijn and Frank Hutter
In Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining, 2018
Available at
This is a Unix-only tutorial, as the requirements can not be satisfied on a Windows machine (Untested on other systems).
The following Python packages are required:
pip install openml[examples,docs] fanova ConfigSpace<1.0
This example is deprecated, remove the `if False` in this code to use it manually.
# License: BSD 3-Clause
import sys
if sys.platform == "win32": # noqa
"The pyrfr library (requirement of fanova) can currently not be installed on Windows systems"
# DEPRECATED EXAMPLE -- Avoid running this code in our CI/CD pipeline
print("This example is deprecated, remove the `if False` in this code to use it manually.")
if False:
import json
import fanova
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import openml
# With the advent of automated machine learning, automated hyperparameter
# optimization methods are by now routinely used in data mining. However, this
# progress is not yet matched by equal progress on automatic analyses that
# yield information beyond performance-optimizing hyperparameter settings.
# In this example, we aim to answer the following two questions: Given an
# algorithm, what are generally its most important hyperparameters?
# This work is carried out on the OpenML-100 benchmark suite, which can be
# obtained by ``'OpenML100')``. In this example, we
# conduct the experiment on the Support Vector Machine (``flow_id=7707``)
# with specific kernel (we will perform a post-process filter operation for
# this). We should set some other experimental parameters (number of results
# per task, evaluation measure and the number of trees of the internal
# functional Anova) before the fun can begin.
# Note that we simplify the example in several ways:
# 1) We only consider numerical hyperparameters
# 2) We consider all hyperparameters that are numerical (in reality, some
# hyperparameters might be inactive (e.g., ``degree``) or irrelevant
# (e.g., ``random_state``)
# 3) We assume all hyperparameters to be on uniform scale
# Any difference in conclusion between the actual paper and the presented
# results is most likely due to one of these simplifications. For example,
# the hyperparameter C looks rather insignificant, whereas it is quite
# important when it is put on a log-scale. All these simplifications can be
# addressed by defining a ConfigSpace. For a more elaborated example that uses
# this, please see:
# # noqa F401
suite ="OpenML100")
flow_id = 7707
parameter_filters = {"sklearn.svm.classes.SVC(17)_kernel": "sigmoid"}
evaluation_measure = "predictive_accuracy"
limit_per_task = 500
limit_nr_tasks = 15
n_trees = 16
fanova_results = []
# we will obtain all results from OpenML per task. Practice has shown that this places the bottleneck on the
# communication with OpenML, and for iterated experimenting it is better to cache the results in a local file.
for idx, task_id in enumerate(suite.tasks):
if limit_nr_tasks is not None and idx >= limit_nr_tasks:
"Starting with task %d (%d/%d)"
% (task_id, idx + 1, len(suite.tasks) if limit_nr_tasks is None else limit_nr_tasks)
# note that we explicitly only include tasks from the benchmark suite that was specified (as per the for-loop)
evals = openml.evaluations.list_evaluations_setups(
performance_column = "value"
# make a DataFrame consisting of all hyperparameters (which is a dict in setup['parameters']) and the performance
# value (in setup['value']). The following line looks a bit complicated, but combines 2 tasks: a) combine
# hyperparameters and performance data in a single dict, b) cast hyperparameter values to the appropriate format
# Note that the ``json.loads(...)`` requires the content to be in JSON format, which is only the case for
# scikit-learn setups (and even there some legacy setups might violate this requirement). It will work for the
# setups that belong to the flows embedded in this example though.
setups_evals = pd.DataFrame(
**{name: json.loads(value) for name, value in setup["parameters"].items()},
**{performance_column: setup[performance_column]}
for _, setup in evals.iterrows()
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e:
print("Task %d error: %s" % (task_id, e))
# apply our filters, to have only the setups that comply to the hyperparameters we want
for filter_key, filter_value in parameter_filters.items():
setups_evals = setups_evals[setups_evals[filter_key] == filter_value]
# in this simplified example, we only display numerical and float hyperparameters. For categorical hyperparameters,
# the fanova library needs to be informed by using a configspace object.
setups_evals = setups_evals.select_dtypes(include=["int64", "float64"])
# drop rows with unique values. These are by definition not an interesting hyperparameter, e.g., ``axis``,
# ``verbose``.
setups_evals = setups_evals[
for c in list(setups_evals)
if len(setups_evals[c].unique()) > 1 or c == performance_column
# We are done with processing ``setups_evals``. Note that we still might have some irrelevant hyperparameters, e.g.,
# ``random_state``. We have dropped some relevant hyperparameters, i.e., several categoricals. Let's check it out:
# determine x values to pass to fanova library
parameter_names = [
pname for pname in setups_evals.columns.to_numpy() if pname != performance_column
evaluator = fanova.fanova.fANOVA(
for idx, pname in enumerate(parameter_names):
"hyperparameter": pname.split(".")[-1],
"fanova": evaluator.quantify_importance([idx])[(idx,)]["individual importance"],
except RuntimeError as e:
# functional ANOVA sometimes crashes with a RuntimeError, e.g., on tasks where the performance is constant
# for all configurations (there is no variance). We will skip these tasks (like the authors did in the
# paper).
print("Task %d error: %s" % (task_id, e))
# transform ``fanova_results`` from a list of dicts into a DataFrame
fanova_results = pd.DataFrame(fanova_results)
# make the boxplot of the variance contribution. Obviously, we can also use
# this data to make the Nemenyi plot, but this relies on the rather complex
# ``Orange`` dependency (``pip install Orange3``). For the complete example,
# the reader is referred to the more elaborate script (referred to earlier)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
sns.boxplot(x="hyperparameter", y="fanova", data=fanova_results, ax=ax)
ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45, ha="right")
ax.set_ylabel("Variance Contribution")
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.001 seconds)