class int | None, alias: str | None, name: str, description: str, status: str | None, creation_date: str | None, creator: int | None, tags: list[dict] | None, data: list[int] | None, tasks: list[int] | None)

An OpenMLBenchmarkSuite represents the OpenML concept of a suite (a collection of tasks).

It contains the following information: name, id, description, creation date, creator id and the task ids.

According to this list of task ids, the suite object receives a list of OpenML object ids (datasets).


the study id

aliasstr (optional)

a string ID, unique on server (url-friendly)


the entity type (e.g., task, run) that is core in this study. only entities of this type can be added explicitly


the name of the study (meta-info)


brief description (meta-info)


Whether the study is in preparation, active or deactivated


date of creation (meta-info)


openml user id of the owner / creator


The list of tags shows which tags are associated with the study. Each tag is a dict of (tag) name, window_start and write_access.


a list of data ids associated with this study


a list of task ids associated with this study

property id: int | None

Return the id of the study.

open_in_browser() None

Opens the OpenML web page corresponding to this object in your default browser.

property openml_url: str | None

The URL of the object on the server, if it was uploaded, else None.

publish() OpenMLBase

Publish the object on the OpenML server.

push_tag(tag: str) None

Add a tag to the study.

remove_tag(tag: str) None

Remove a tag from the study.

classmethod url_for_id(id_: int) str

Return the OpenML URL for the object of the class entity with the given id.