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All Classes All Packages
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- acceptErrorResult(Task, Instances, int, Classifier, String, String) - Method in class org.openml.weka.experiment.TaskResultListener
- acceptResultsForSending(Task, Instances, int, Integer, Integer, Integer, Classifier, String, List<Integer>, ArrayList<Prediction>, Map<String, MetricScore>, List<OptimizationTrace.Quadlet<String, Double, List<Map.Entry<String, Object>>, Boolean>>) - Method in class org.openml.weka.experiment.TaskResultListener
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.openml.weka.gui.TaskListPanel
Handle actions when buttons get pressed.
- actionPerformedTaskBasedAdd(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.openml.weka.gui.TaskListPanel
- actionPerformedTaskBasedEdit(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.openml.weka.gui.TaskListPanel
- addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.openml.weka.gui.OpenmlSimpleSetupPanel
Adds a PropertyChangeListener who will be notified of value changes.
- addTraceToDataset(Instances, List<OptimizationTrace.Quadlet<String, Double, List<Map.Entry<String, Object>>, Boolean>>, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.OptimizationTrace
- advanceCounters() - Method in class org.openml.weka.experiment.TaskBasedExperiment
- apiconnector - Variable in class org.openml.weka.experiment.TaskBasedExperiment
- apiconnector - Variable in class org.openml.weka.experiment.TaskResultProducer
- apiconnector - Variable in class org.openml.weka.gui.OpenmlSimpleSetupPanel
- ARRAY - org.openml.weka.algorithm.WekaParameterType
- AuthenticationDialog - Class in org.openml.weka.gui
- AuthenticationDialog(JFrame) - Constructor for class org.openml.weka.gui.AuthenticationDialog
- CLASSIFIER - org.openml.weka.algorithm.WekaParameterType
- classifierSerializedToFile(Classifier, Integer) - Static method in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.WekaAlgorithm
- Constants - Class in org.openml.weka.algorithm
- Constants() - Constructor for class org.openml.weka.algorithm.Constants
- containsEscapableCharacter(String) - Static method in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.WekaAlgorithm
- currentTaskRepresentation - Variable in class org.openml.weka.experiment.TaskResultProducer
Current task information string
- DATASET_ID - Variable in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.DataSplits
- DataSplits - Class in org.openml.weka.algorithm
- DataSplits(int, EstimationProcedure, Instances, Instances) - Constructor for class org.openml.weka.algorithm.DataSplits
- deserializeClassifier(Flow) - Static method in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.WekaAlgorithm
- deserializeSetup(SetupParameters, Flow, boolean) - Static method in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.WekaAlgorithm
- determineOutputFormat(Instances) - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.RemoveUnusedClassValues
- determineOutputFormat(Instances) - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.ReplaceMissingNumericValuesAndIndicate
- doRun(int) - Method in class org.openml.weka.experiment.TaskResultProducer
- executeTask(OpenmlConnector, WekaConfig, Integer, Classifier) - Static method in class org.openml.weka.experiment.RunOpenmlJob
- extractTrace(Classifier) - Static method in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.OptimizationTrace
- FLAG - org.openml.weka.algorithm.WekaParameterType
- FOLDS - Variable in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.DataSplits
- fromString(String) - Static method in enum org.openml.weka.algorithm.WekaParameterType
Converts a textual description of a parameter into a ParameterType
- getApiKey() - Method in class org.openml.weka.gui.AuthenticationDialog
- getApplicationName() - Method in class org.openml.weka.gui.OpenmlExperimenter
- getArffFromUrl(int) - Method in class org.openml.weka.io.OpenmlWekaConnector
Downloads a file from OpenML and parses it as Instances object
- getAttributeIndex(Instances, String) - Static method in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.InstancesHelper
- getAttributes(Instances) - Static method in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.InstancesHelper
- getAvoidDuplicateRuns() - Method in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.WekaConfig
- getCapabilities() - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.RemoveUnusedClassValues
- getDataset(DataSetDescription) - Method in class org.openml.weka.io.OpenmlWekaConnector
Downloads a dataset from OpenML and parses it as Instances object
- getDatasetFromTask(OpenmlConnector, Task) - Static method in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.InstancesHelper
- getDatasets() - Method in class org.openml.weka.experiment.TaskBasedExperiment
- getDebugMode() - Method in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.WekaConfig
- getEstimationProcedure() - Method in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.DataSplits
- getExperiment() - Method in class org.openml.weka.gui.OpenmlSimpleSetupPanel
Gets the currently configured experiment.
- getImplementationId(Flow, Classifier, OpenmlConnector) - Static method in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.WekaAlgorithm
- getJobRequestSetupId() - Method in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.WekaConfig
- getJobRequestSetupTag() - Method in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.WekaConfig
- getJobRequestTaskTag() - Method in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.WekaConfig
- getMenuBar() - Method in class org.openml.weka.gui.OpenmlExperimenter
- getMenuEntryText() - Method in class org.openml.weka.gui.OpenmlExperimenter
- getMenuToDisplayIn() - Method in class org.openml.weka.gui.OpenmlExperimenter
- getMultipleParamValues(String[], String) - Static method in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.WekaAlgorithm
- getName() - Method in enum org.openml.weka.algorithm.WekaParameterType
- getName() - Method in class org.openml.weka.gui.OpenmlSimpleSetupPanel
- getNrOfRuns() - Method in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.DataSplits
- getOptions() - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.RemoveUnusedClassValues
- getParameterSetting(String[], Flow) - Static method in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.WekaAlgorithm
- getReturnValue() - Method in class org.openml.weka.gui.AuthenticationDialog
- getRun(Integer) - Method in class org.openml.weka.experiment.TaskResultListener
- getRunIds() - Method in class org.openml.weka.experiment.TaskResultListener
- getSetupId(String, String, OpenmlConnector) - Static method in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.WekaAlgorithm
- getSkipJvmBenchmark() - Method in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.WekaConfig
- getSplitEvaluatorKey(int) - Method in class org.openml.weka.experiment.TaskResultProducer
- getSplitsFromTask(Task) - Method in class org.openml.weka.io.OpenmlWekaConnector
Downloads a data splits file from OpenML and parses it as Instances object
- getTasks() - Method in class org.openml.weka.experiment.TaskBasedExperiment
- getTestSet(int, int) - Method in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.DataSplits
- getTestSet(int, int, Integer) - Method in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.DataSplits
- getTestSetRowIds(int, int, Integer) - Method in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.DataSplits
- getTrainedClassifier() - Method in class org.openml.weka.experiment.OpenmlClassificationSplitEvaluator
- getTrainedClassifier() - Method in class org.openml.weka.experiment.OpenmlRegressionSplitEvaluator
- getTrainedClassifier() - Method in interface org.openml.weka.experiment.OpenmlSplitEvaluator
Returns the classifier that was trained most recent.
- getTrainingSet(int, int) - Method in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.DataSplits
- getTrainingSet(int, int, Integer) - Method in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.DataSplits
- getVersion(String) - Static method in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.WekaAlgorithm
- globalInfo() - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.RemoveUnusedClassValues
- globalInfo() - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.ReplaceMissingNumericValuesAndIndicate
- HAS_SAMPLES - Variable in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.DataSplits
- imputeMedian(Instances) - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.ReplaceMissingNumericValuesAndIndicate
- initialize() - Method in class org.openml.weka.experiment.TaskBasedExperiment
- InstancesHelper - Class in org.openml.weka.algorithm
- InstancesHelper() - Constructor for class org.openml.weka.algorithm.InstancesHelper
- listOptions() - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.RemoveUnusedClassValues
- m_AlgorithmListPanel - Variable in class org.openml.weka.gui.OpenmlSimpleSetupPanel
The panel for configuring selected algorithms
- m_BrowseDestinationButton - Variable in class org.openml.weka.gui.OpenmlSimpleSetupPanel
Button for browsing destination files
- m_CurrentTask - Variable in class org.openml.weka.experiment.TaskBasedExperiment
The task currently being used
- m_DataSplits - Variable in class org.openml.weka.experiment.TaskResultProducer
Object representing the datasplits
- m_Exp - Variable in class org.openml.weka.gui.OpenmlSimpleSetupPanel
The experiment being configured
- m_Exp - Variable in class org.openml.weka.gui.TaskListPanel
The experiment to set the dataset or task list of.
- m_Memory - Static variable in class org.openml.weka.gui.OpenmlExperimenter
for monitoring the Memory consumption
- m_NotesButton - Variable in class org.openml.weka.gui.OpenmlSimpleSetupPanel
A button for bringing up the notes
- m_NotesFrame - Variable in class org.openml.weka.gui.OpenmlSimpleSetupPanel
Frame for the notes
- m_NotesText - Variable in class org.openml.weka.gui.OpenmlSimpleSetupPanel
Area for user notes Default of 10 rows
- m_NumSamples - Variable in class org.openml.weka.experiment.TaskResultProducer
Number of samples, if applicable
- m_ResultsDestinationPathLabel - Variable in class org.openml.weka.gui.OpenmlSimpleSetupPanel
Label for destination field
- m_ResultsDestinationPathTField - Variable in class org.openml.weka.gui.OpenmlSimpleSetupPanel
Input field for result destination path
- m_RunPanel - Variable in class org.openml.weka.gui.OpenmlExperimenter
The panel for running the experiment
- m_SetupModePanel - Variable in class org.openml.weka.gui.OpenmlExperimenter
The panel for configuring the experiment
- m_Support - Variable in class org.openml.weka.gui.OpenmlSimpleSetupPanel
Manages sending notifications to people when we change the experiment, at this stage, only the resultlistener so the resultpanel can update.
- m_TabbedPane - Variable in class org.openml.weka.gui.OpenmlExperimenter
The tabbed pane that controls which sub-pane we are working with
- m_Task - Variable in class org.openml.weka.experiment.TaskResultProducer
The task to be run
- m_TaskListPanel - Variable in class org.openml.weka.gui.OpenmlSimpleSetupPanel
The panel for configuring selected OpenML tasks
- m_Tasks - Variable in class org.openml.weka.experiment.TaskBasedExperiment
An array of the Tasks to be executed
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openml.weka.experiment.RunOpenmlJob
- main(String[]) - Static method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.RemoveUnusedClassValues
Main method for testing this class.
- MAX_ALLOWED_PARAMETERS - Static variable in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.Constants
- MAX_LENGTH_FLOW_NAME - Static variable in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.Constants
- MAX_LENGTH_PARAM_NAME - Static variable in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.Constants
- MAX_LENGTH_PARAM_VALUE - Static variable in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.Constants
- missingLabels - Variable in class org.openml.weka.experiment.TaskResultProducer
- nextIteration() - Method in class org.openml.weka.experiment.TaskBasedExperiment
- OpenmlClassificationSplitEvaluator - Class in org.openml.weka.experiment
- OpenmlClassificationSplitEvaluator() - Constructor for class org.openml.weka.experiment.OpenmlClassificationSplitEvaluator
- openmlconfig - Variable in class org.openml.weka.experiment.TaskBasedExperiment
- openmlconfig - Variable in class org.openml.weka.experiment.TaskResultProducer
- openmlconfig - Variable in class org.openml.weka.gui.OpenmlSimpleSetupPanel
- OpenmlExperimenter - Class in org.openml.weka.gui
- OpenmlExperimenter() - Constructor for class org.openml.weka.gui.OpenmlExperimenter
- OpenmlExperimenter(boolean) - Constructor for class org.openml.weka.gui.OpenmlExperimenter
Creates the experiment environment gui with no initial experiment
- OpenmlRegressionSplitEvaluator - Class in org.openml.weka.experiment
- OpenmlRegressionSplitEvaluator() - Constructor for class org.openml.weka.experiment.OpenmlRegressionSplitEvaluator
- OpenmlSimpleSetupPanel - Class in org.openml.weka.gui
This panel controls the configuration of an experiment.
- OpenmlSimpleSetupPanel() - Constructor for class org.openml.weka.gui.OpenmlSimpleSetupPanel
Creates the setup panel with no initial experiment.
- OpenmlSimpleSetupPanel(Experiment) - Constructor for class org.openml.weka.gui.OpenmlSimpleSetupPanel
Creates the setup panel with the supplied initial experiment.
- OpenmlSplitEvaluator - Interface in org.openml.weka.experiment
- OpenmlWekaConnector - Class in org.openml.weka.io
- OpenmlWekaConnector() - Constructor for class org.openml.weka.io.OpenmlWekaConnector
- OpenmlWekaConnector(String, String) - Constructor for class org.openml.weka.io.OpenmlWekaConnector
- OptimizationTrace - Class in org.openml.weka.algorithm
- OptimizationTrace() - Constructor for class org.openml.weka.algorithm.OptimizationTrace
- OptimizationTrace.Quadlet<T,U,V,W> - Class in org.openml.weka.algorithm
- OPTION - org.openml.weka.algorithm.WekaParameterType
- OPTIONHANDLER - org.openml.weka.algorithm.WekaParameterType
- org.openml.weka.algorithm - package org.openml.weka.algorithm
- org.openml.weka.experiment - package org.openml.weka.experiment
- org.openml.weka.gui - package org.openml.weka.gui
- org.openml.weka.io - package org.openml.weka.io
- PARAMETERFREE_CLASS - org.openml.weka.algorithm.WekaParameterType
- parameterValuesToJson(String[], Integer) - Static method in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.WekaAlgorithm
- postExecution() - Method in class org.openml.weka.experiment.RunOpenmlJob
- preExecution() - Method in class org.openml.weka.experiment.RunOpenmlJob
- process(Instances) - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.RemoveUnusedClassValues
- process(Instances) - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.ReplaceMissingNumericValuesAndIndicate
- recentPredictions() - Method in class org.openml.weka.experiment.OpenmlClassificationSplitEvaluator
- recentPredictions() - Method in class org.openml.weka.experiment.OpenmlRegressionSplitEvaluator
- recentPredictions() - Method in interface org.openml.weka.experiment.OpenmlSplitEvaluator
Returns the predictions of the classifier that was called on it's predict function most recent.
- regressionTask - Variable in class org.openml.weka.experiment.TaskResultProducer
- removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.openml.weka.gui.OpenmlSimpleSetupPanel
Removes a PropertyChangeListener.
- RemoveUnusedClassValues - Class in weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute
- RemoveUnusedClassValues() - Constructor for class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.RemoveUnusedClassValues
- REPEATS - Variable in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.DataSplits
- ReplaceMissingNumericValuesAndIndicate - Class in weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute
- ReplaceMissingNumericValuesAndIndicate() - Constructor for class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.ReplaceMissingNumericValuesAndIndicate
- run(Object, String[]) - Method in class org.openml.weka.experiment.RunOpenmlJob
- RunOpenmlJob - Class in org.openml.weka.experiment
- RunOpenmlJob() - Constructor for class org.openml.weka.experiment.RunOpenmlJob
- SAMPLE_FIELD_NAME - Static variable in class org.openml.weka.experiment.TaskResultProducer
- SAMPLES - Variable in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.DataSplits
- searchMedian(Instances) - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.ReplaceMissingNumericValuesAndIndicate
- serializeClassifier(OptionHandler, String[]) - Static method in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.WekaAlgorithm
- setExperiment(Experiment) - Method in class org.openml.weka.gui.OpenmlSimpleSetupPanel
Sets the experiment to configure.
- setExperiment(Experiment) - Method in class org.openml.weka.gui.TaskListPanel
Tells the panel to act on a new experiment.
- setInstances(Instances) - Method in class org.openml.weka.experiment.TaskResultProducer
- setModePanel(SetupModePanel) - Method in class org.openml.weka.gui.OpenmlSimpleSetupPanel
- setOptions(String[]) - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.RemoveUnusedClassValues
- setTargetAttribute(Instances, String) - Static method in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.InstancesHelper
- setTask(Task) - Method in class org.openml.weka.experiment.TaskResultProducer
- setTasks(DefaultListModel<Task>) - Method in class org.openml.weka.experiment.TaskBasedExperiment
- splitEvaluatorToMap(SplitEvaluator, Object[]) - Static method in class org.openml.weka.algorithm.WekaAlgorithm
- TASK_FIELD_NAME - Static variable in class org.openml.weka.experiment.TaskResultProducer
- TaskBasedExperiment - Class in org.openml.weka.experiment
- TaskBasedExperiment(Experiment, OpenmlConnector, WekaConfig) - Constructor for class org.openml.weka.experiment.TaskBasedExperiment
- TaskListPanel - Class in org.openml.weka.gui
- TaskListPanel(OpenmlConnector) - Constructor for class org.openml.weka.gui.TaskListPanel
- TaskResultListener - Class in org.openml.weka.experiment
- TaskResultListener(OpenmlConnector, WekaConfig) - Constructor for class org.openml.weka.experiment.TaskResultListener
- TaskResultProducer - Class in org.openml.weka.experiment
- TaskResultProducer(OpenmlConnector, WekaConfig) - Constructor for class org.openml.weka.experiment.TaskResultProducer
- TaskResultProducer.UserMeasures - Class in org.openml.weka.experiment
- USER_MEASURES - Static variable in class org.openml.weka.experiment.TaskResultProducer
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openml.weka.algorithm.WekaParameterType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openml.weka.algorithm.WekaParameterType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute - package weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute
- WekaAlgorithm - Class in org.openml.weka.algorithm
- WekaAlgorithm() - Constructor for class org.openml.weka.algorithm.WekaAlgorithm
- WekaConfig - Class in org.openml.weka.algorithm
- WekaConfig() - Constructor for class org.openml.weka.algorithm.WekaConfig
- WekaConfig(String) - Constructor for class org.openml.weka.algorithm.WekaConfig
- WekaParameterType - Enum in org.openml.weka.algorithm
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