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Benchmarks are collections of machine learning tasks, where each task is a dataset with associated information on train/test splits used to evaluate the model. These tasks can be defined in a yaml file or on OpenML. Both options allow for defining a benchmark of one or more datasets. It is even possible to reference to OpenML tasks from a benchmark file.

Supported Datasets

Currently, the AutoML benchmark only supports definitions of tabular datasets for classification, regression, and time series forecasting. The time series forecasting support is in an early stage, subject to change, and not supported through OpenML.

Defining a Benchmark on OpenML

Especially when performing a benchmark evaluation to be used in a publication, we recommend the use of OpenML for the definition of the benchmark if possible. This ensures that other users can run your benchmark out of the box, without any required additional files. OpenML also provides a lot of meta-data about the datasets which is also accessible through APIs in various programming languages. We recommend using the openml-python Python library as it is the most comprehensive of the OpenML libraries.

Defining a benchmark on OpenML requires the following steps:

  • Upload a dataset. A dataset is the tabular data, alongside meta-data like its name, authors, and license. OpenML will also automatically extract meta-data about the datasets, such as feature types, class balance, or dataset size. After uploading the dataset, it will receive an identifier (ID) and should be visible on the OpenML website on
  • Define a task. A task defines how to evaluate a model on a given dataset, for example "10-fold cross-validation optimizing AUC". OpenML will generate splits for the 10-fold cross-validation procedure which means that anyone using this task definition can perform the experiment with the exact same splits easily.
  • Define a benchmark suite. On a technical level, a benchmarking suite is nothing more than a collection of tasks. You can add a description that details the purpose of the benchmarking suite, or any information that users should be aware of before using the suite.

When a task or benchmark suite is available on OpenML, it can be directly referred to for the benchmark parameter of as openml/s/ID for suites and openml/t/ID for tasks, where ID is to be replaced with the OpenML identifier of the object. For example, openml/t/59 refers to task 59, which is 10-fold cross-validation on the iris dataset.

Defining a Benchmark with a File

When defining a benchmark with a yaml file, the yaml will contain information about tasks that are located either on disk or on OpenML. We make a few default benchmarks available in our resources/benchmarks folder:

  • test: a collection of three small datasets covering regression, binary classification, and multiclass classification. This makes it incredibly useful for small tests and fast feedback on whether the software runs without error.
  • validation: a collection of datasets which have different edge cases, such as a very wide dataset, datasets with missing or non-numerical values, and more. This typically produces most errors you might also encounter when running larger benchmarks.
  • timeseries: a benchmark for testing time series forecasting integration (experimental).

Below is an excerpt from the test.yaml file:

- name: kc2
  openml_task_id: 3913
  description: "binary test dataset"

When writing your own benchmark definition, it needs to be discoverable by the benchmark. A good place to do this would be adding a benchmarks directory to your benchmark configuration directory (~/.config/automlbenchmark by default) and updating your custom configuration by adding:

    - '{root}/resources/benchmarks'
    - '{user}/resources/benchmarks'

Each task must have a name that is unique in the definition file (case-insensitive), this name will also be used as identifier (e.g., in the results files). Additionally, the file must have a description of where to find the dataset files and splits. When you have a task already on OpenML, you can directly reference it with openml_task_id to define the dataset and splits. Alternatively, you can use local files.

It is also possible to benchmark your own datasets that you can not or do not want to upload to OpenML. The data files should be in arff or csv format and contain at least one file for training data and one file for test data. When working with multiple files, it is useful to use an archive (.zip, .tar, .tgz, .tbz) or directory structure. Use the following naming convention to allow the AutoML benchmark to infer what each file represents:

- if there's only one file for training and one for test, they should be named `{name}_train.csv` and `{name}_test.csv` (in case of CSV files).
- if there are multiple `folds`, they should follow a similar convention: `{name}_train_0.csv`, `{name}_test_0.csv``, {name}_train_1.csv`, `{name}_test_1.csv`, ...


- name: example_csv
    train: /path/to/data/ExampleTraining.csv
    test:  /path/to/data/ExampleTest.csv
    target: TargetColumn
  folds: 1
- name: example_multi_folds
      - /path/to/data/ExampleTraining_0.csv
      - /path/to/data/ExampleTraining_1.csv
      - /path/to/data/ExampleTest_0.csv
      - /path/to/data/ExampleTest_1.csv
    target: TargetColumn
  folds: 2

It is important that the files in the directory follow the naming convention described above.

- name: example_dir
    path: /path/to/data
    target: TargetColumn
  folds: 1

It is important that the files in the archive follow the naming convention described above.

- name: example_archive
    path: /path/to/
    target: TargetColumn
  folds: 3

The remote file may also be an archive. If that is the case, it is important that the files in the archive follow the naming convention described above.

- name:  example_csv_http
    target: TargetColumn
  folds: 1

Remote files are downloaded to the input_dir folder and archives are decompressed there as well. You can change the value of this folder in your custom config.yaml file or specify it at the command line with the -i or --indir argument (by default, it points to the ~/.openml/cache folder).

The target attribute is optional but recommended. If not set, it will resolve to the column target or class if present, and the last column otherwise.

You can even make use of the special directives like {user}.

- name: example_relative_to_user_dir
    train: "{user}/data/train.csv"
    test: "{user}/data/test.csv"

After creating a benchmark definition, e.g. ~/.config/automlbenchmark/benchmarks/my_benchmark.yaml, it can then be referenced when running python FRAMEWORK my_benchmark.

Defining a Time Series Forecasting Dataset

Time Series Forecasting should be considered experimental

Time series forecasting support should be considered experimental and is currently only supported with the AutoGluon integration.

Benchmark definitions for time series datasets work in much the same way, but there are some additional fields and requirements to a valid time series dataset.

First, the dataset must be stored as a single csv file in long format and must include 3 columns:

  • id_column: An indicator column that specifies to which time series the sample belongs by a unique id. The default expected name of this column is "item_id".
  • timestamp_column: A column with the timestamp of the observation. The default expected name of this column is "timestamp".
  • target: A column with the target value of the time series

Additionally, the data must satisfy the following criteria:

  • The shortest time series in the dataset must have length of at least folds * forecast_horizon_in_step + 1 (see Generated Folds).
  • Time series may have different lengths or have different starting timestamps, but must have the same frequency.
  • All time series must have regular timestamp index, i.e., it must have an observation for each time step from start to end.

If the id_column or timestamp_column names are not the default expected ones, they must be explicitly stated in the definition, as can be seen in the examples below. Moreover, the definition must also contain the following fields:

  • path: a local or remote path to the CSV file with time series data.
  • freq: a pandas-compatible frequency string that denotes the frequency of the time series. For example, D for daily, H for hourly, or 15min for 15-minute frequency.
  • forecast_horizon_in_steps: a positive integer denoting how many future time series values need to be predicted.
  • seasonality: a positive integer denoting the seasonal period of the data, measured in steps. This parameter is used for computing metrics like mean absolute scaled error (denoted as m on Wikipedia).

Given a file at that contains two time series with daily frequency, A with three observations and B with four observations:

item_id timestamp target
A 2020-01-01 2.0
A 2020-01-02 1.0
A 2020-01-03 5.0
B 2019-05-02 8.0
B 2019-05-03 2.0
B 2019-05-04 1.0
B 2019-05-05 9.0

When we specify the fields outlined above, then the respective task definition may look like the one below. Note that we do not have to specify id_column or timestamp_column as their names match the default expected value.

- name: example_time_series_data
    path: /path/to/data.csv
    freq: D
    forecast_horizon_in_steps: 1
    seasonality: 7
    target: target
  folds: 1

Given a file at that contains two time series with daily frequency, A with three observations and B with four observations. It is identical to the example "default column values", but the header provides different column names:

Product Date Value
A 2020-01-01 2.0
A 2020-01-02 1.0
A 2020-01-03 5.0
B 2019-05-02 8.0
B 2019-05-03 2.0
B 2019-05-04 1.0
B 2019-05-05 9.0

When we specify the fields outlined above, then the respective task definition may look like the one below. Note that we do have to specify id_column or timestamp_column as their names do not match the default expected value. If left unspecified, the benchmark tool will raise an error.

- name: example_time_series_data
    path: /path/to/data.csv
    freq: D
    forecast_horizon_in_steps: 1
    seasonality: 7
    id_column: Product
    timestamp_column: Date
    target: Value
  folds: 1

Generated Folds

AMLB automatically generates the train and test splits from the raw data depending on the chosen forecast_horizon_in_steps and folds parameters. Assuming forecast_horizon_in_steps = K and folds = n, and each time series has length n * K, the folds will be generated as follows:

rows fold 0 fold 1 ... fold (n-2) fold (n-1)
1..K train train ... train train
K..2K train train ... train test
2..3K train train ... test
(n-2)K...(n-1)K train test
(n-1)K...nK test

As a consequence, the shortest time series in the dataset must have length of at least folds * forecast_horizon_in_step + 1.

This is still batch learning!

It is important to note that the model does not carry over between folds, each fold the model is trained from scratch on the available training data. As such, it is still batch learning, as opposed to train-then-test (or prequential) evaluation where a single model is continuously updated instead.