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Adding an AutoML Framework

Rewrite in progress

Most information on this page is accurate, and it should be complete enough to use. However, it hasn't been updated to make use of mkdocs-materials features, and might have some outdated examples. Contributions welcome.

Add an AutoML framework

Adding an AutoML framework consist in several steps:

  1. create a Python module that will contain everything related to the integration of this framework.
  2. define the framework in a Framework definition file.
  3. write some integration code
  4. to download/setup the framework dynamically: by convention, this is done by a script defined in the module.
  5. to run the framework using the data and constraints/parameters provided by the benchmark application: by convention, this is done by an script in the module, but it may require more files depending on the framework, for example if it runs on Python or R, Java...

Framework definition

The framework definition consists in an entry in a yaml file with the framework name and some properties

  1. to describe the framework and define which version will be used: project, version.
  2. to indicate the Python module with the integration code: module or extends.
  3. to pass optional parameters to the framework and/or the integration code: params.

Default framework definitions are defined in file resources/frameworks.yaml in lexicographic order, where version should be set to stable, which will point dynamically to the most recent official release available.

Frameworks that offer the possibility to test cutting edge version (e.g. nightly builds, dev/master repo, ...) can add an entry to resources/frameworks_latest.yaml, where version should be set to latest.

Maintainers of this repository try to regularly — ideally, every quarter — create a framework definition using frozen framework versions in order to favour the reproducibility of the published benchmarks.

Following the custom configuration, it is possible to override and/or add a framework definitions by creating a frameworks.yaml file in your user_dir.

See for example the examples/custom/frameworks.yaml:


  module: extensions.GradientBoosting
    n_estimators: 500

  module: extensions.Stacking
    _rf_params: {n_estimators: 200}
    _gbm_params: {n_estimators: 200}
    _linear_params: {penalty: elasticnet, loss: log}
#    _svc_params: {tol: 1e-3, max_iter: 1e5}
#    _final_params: {penalty: elasticnet, loss: log} # sgd linear
    _final_params: {max_iter: 1000}  # logistic/linear

  extends: autosklearn
  version: latest
  description: "this will use master branch from the autosklearn repository instead of the fixed version"

  extends: autosklearn
  version: mybranch
  description: "this will use mybranch branch from the autosklearn repository instead of the fixed version"

  extends: autosklearn
  version: "0.7.1"
  description: "this will use the latest autosklearn version from the old generation"

  module: frameworks.H2OAutoML
  setup_cmd: 'LATEST_H2O=`curl` && pip install --no-cache-dir -U "${{LATEST_H2O}}/Python/h2o-3.29.0.${{LATEST_H2O}}-py2.py3-none-any.whl"'
  version: 'nightly'

  extends: H2OAutoML
    nfolds: 3
    stopping_tolerance: 0.05

This example shows

  • the definitions for 2 new frameworks: GradientBoosting and Stacking.
  • Those definitions (optionally) externalize some parameters (e.g. n_estimators): the params property always appears in json format in the results, so that we can clearly see what has been tuned when analyzing the results later.
  • Note that the module is case sensitive and should point to the module containing the integration code.
  • The application will search for modules from the sys path, which includes the application root_dir and the user_dir:
    • that's why the default frameworks use module: frameworks.autosklearn for example,
    • and the example above can use module: extensions.GradientBoosting because those examples must be run by setting the user_dir to examples/config, e.g.

      python gradientboosting -u examples/custom.

  • a custom definition (H2OAutoML_nightly) for the existing frameworks.H2OAutoML module, allowing to reuse the module for a dynamic version of the module:
    • the setup_cmd is executed after the default setup of the module, so it can be used to make additional setup. To customize the setup, it is possible to use:
    • setup_args: my_version (only if the in the framework module supports new arguments).
    • setup_cmd (as shown in this example).
    • setup_script:
  • 2 custom definitions (H2OAutoML_blending and H2OAutoML_custom) simply extending the existing H2OAutoML definition (therefore inheriting from all its properties, including the module one), but overriding the params property, thus allowing to provide multiple "flavours" of the same framework.

The frameworks defined in this example can then be used like any other framework as soon as both the framework module and the definition file are made available to the application: in our case, this is done by the creation of the integration modules under examples/custom/extensions and by exposing the definitions in examples/custom/frameworks.yaml thanks to the entry in examples/custom/config.yaml:

  definition_file:  # this allows to add custom framework definitions (in {user}/frameworks.yaml) on top of the default ones.
    - '{root}/resources/frameworks.yaml'
    - '{user}/frameworks.yaml'

By pointing the user_dir to examples/custom, our config.yaml is also loaded, and we can use the new frameworks:

python gradientboosting -u examples/custom
python stacking -u examples/custom
python h2oautoml_blending -u examples/custom


By default, when generating a docker image, the image name is created as automlbenchmark/{framework}:{version}-{branch} with the framework name in lowercase, and branch being the branch of the automlbenchmark app (usually stable). However, it is possible to customize this image name as follow:

  version: 1.0
  module: extensions.MyFramework
    author: my_docker_repo
    image: my_image
    tag: my_tag
which will result in the docker image name my_docker_repo/my_image:my_tag-{branch}, with branch still being the branch of the application.

Framework integration

If the framework definition allows to use the new framework from the application, the (not so) hard part is to integrate it.

There are already several frameworks already integrated under frameworks directory (+ the examples under examples/custom), so the best starting point when adding a new framework is to first look at the existing ones.

Among the existing frameworks, we can see different type of integrations:

  • trivial integration: these are frameworks running on Python and using dependencies (numpy, sklearn) already required by the application itself. These are not really AutoML toolkits, but rather integrations using sklearn to provide a reference when analyzing the results: cf. constantpredictor, DecisionTree.
  • Python API integration: these are frameworks that can be run directly from Python: cf. autosklearn, H2OAutoML, TPOT, RandomForest, TunedRandomForest.
  • contrary to the trivial integration, those require a setup phase.
  • Most of them currently run using the same dependencies as the application, which is not recommended due to potential version conflicts (especially with sklearn). This was not a major constraint with the first frameworks implemented, but now, those integrations can and will be slightly changed to [run in their dedicated virtual environment], using their own dependencies: cf. RandomForest and examples/custom/extensions/Stacking for examples.
  • non-Python frameworks: those frameworks typically run in R or Java and don't provide any Python API. The integration is then still done by spawning the Java or R process from the cf. AutoWEKA or ranger, respectively.

By convention, the integration is done using the following structure:

|-- requirements.txt

Please note however, that this structure is not a requirement, the only requirement is the contract exposed by the integration module itself, i.e. by the file.

A simple would look like this:

from amlb.utils import call_script_in_same_dir

def setup(*args, **kwargs):
    call_script_in_same_dir(__file__, "", *args, **kwargs)

def run(*args, **kwargs):
    from .exec import run
    return run(*args, **kwargs)

where we see that the module should expose (only run is actually required) the following functions:

  • setup (optional): called by the application to setup the given framework, usually by simply running a script that will be responsible for potentially creating a local virtual env, downloading and installing the dependencies. The setup function can also receive the optional setup_args param from the framework definition as an argument.
  • run: called by the benchmark application to execute a task against the framework, using the selected dataset and constraints. We will describe the parameters in detail below, for now, just note that by convention, we just load the file from the module and delegate the execution to its run function.
  • docker_commands (optional): called by the application to collect docker instructions that are specific to the framework. If the framework requires a setup phase, then the string returned by this function should at least ensure that the setup is also executed during the docker image creation, that's one reason why it is preferable to do all the setup in a script, to allow the docker support above.

Frameworks with Python API

Frameworks requiring a dedicated virtual env

For frameworks with Python API, we may worry about version conflicts between the packages used by the application (e.g. sklearn, numpy, pandas) and the ones required by the framework.

In this case, the integration is slightly different as you can see with the RandomForest integration allowing to use any version of sklearn.

This is the basic structure after the creation of the dedicated Python virtual environment during setup:

|-- requirements.txt
`-- venv/
    `-- (this local virtual env is created by the frameworks/shared/

Noticeable differences with a basic integration:

  • the venv is created in by passing the current dir when sourcing the shared/ script: . $HERE/../shared/ $HERE.
  • the run function in prepares the data (in the application environment) before executing the in the dedicated venv. The call to run_in_venv is in charge of serializing the input, calling and deserializing + saving the results from exec.
  •, when calls in the subprocess (function __main__), calls call_run(run) which deserializes the input (dataset + config) and passes it to the run function that just need to return a result object.

Note A:

As the serialization/deserialization of numpy arrays can be costly for very large datasets, it is recommended to use dataset serialization only if the framework itself doesn't support loading datasets from files.

This means that, in the instead of implementing run as:

data = dict(

return run_in_venv(__file__, "",
                   input_data=data, dataset=dataset, config=config)
it could simply expose the dataset paths (the application avoids loading the data if not explicitly needed by the framework):
data = dict(
return run_in_venv(__file__, "",
                   input_data=data, dataset=dataset, config=config)

Note B:

The serialization/deserialization of data between the main process and the framework process can be customized using the options parameter: The allowed options for (de)serialization are defined by the object amlb.utils.serialization.ser_config.

For example:

data = dict(

options = dict(
return run_in_venv(__file__, "",
                   input_data=data, dataset=dataset, config=config, options=options)

Other Frameworks

Integration of frameworks without any Python API is done in similar way, for example:

|-- requirements.txt
`-- lib/
    `-- (this is where the framework dependencies go, usually created by
|-- exec.R
|-- requirements.txt

Here are the main differences: - the setup phase is identical, but if at runtime, some executable file or library is required that need to be installed locally (as opposed to globally: for example, R or java executable are usually installed globally), we just recommend to put everything under the integration module (for example in lib and/or bin subfolders as for AutoWEKA). This is also true for some Python frameworks (cf. hyperoptsklearn integration for example, where the modules are loaded from frameworks/hyperoptsklearn/lib/hyperopt-sklearn). - the framework is then executed by building a command manually in, running it in a subprocess, and finally collecting the results generated by the subprocess. For example, in ranger/

with Timer() as training:
  run_cmd(("Rscript --vanilla -e \""
           "source('{script}'); "
           "run('{train}', '{test}', '{output}', cores={cores}, meta_results_file='{meta_results}', task_type='{task_type}')"
      script=os.path.join(here, 'exec.R'),
  ), _live_output_=True)
Here, the exec.R script is also responsible to save the predictions in the expected format.

Add a default framework

Is called "default framework" an AutoML framework whose integration is available on master branch under the frameworks folder, and with a simple definition in resources/frameworks.yaml.

NOTE: There are a few requirements when integrating a new default framework:

  • The code snippet triggering the training should use only defaults (no AutoML hyper parameters), plus possibly a generic **kwargs in order to support params section in custom framework definitions. In other words, one of the requirements for being included in the benchmark is that the framework is submitted without any tweaks to default settings. This is to prevent submissions (systems) from overfitting or tuning to the benchmark.
  • There must be a way to limit the runtime of the algorithm (a maximum runtime parameter).
  • Exceptions:
  • the problem type ("classification", "regression", "binary", "multiclass"): this is available through config.type or dataset.type.
  • information about data, for example the column types: available through the dataset object.
  • time, cpu and memory constraints: those must be provided by the benchmark application through the config object.
  • the objective function: provided by config.metric (usually requires a translation for a given framework).
  • seed: provided by config.seed
  • paths to folders (output, temporary...): if possible, use config.output_dir or a subfolder (see existing integrations).
  • The default framework definition in resources/frameworks.yaml shouldn't have any params section: this params section is intended for custom definitions, not default ones.
       version: "0.0.1"
       project: ""
       version: "0.0.1"
       project: ""
         enable_this: true
         use: ['this', 'that']

Using the instructions above:

  1. verify that there is an issue created under for the framework you want to add, or create one.
  2. create a private branch for your integration changes.
  3. create the framework module (e.g. MyFramework) under frameworks folder.
  4. define the module (if possible without any params) in resources/frameworks.yaml.
  5. try to setup the framework: > python myframework -s only
  6. fixes the framework setup until it works: the setup being usually a simple script, you should be able to test it directly without using the application.
  7. try to run simple test against one fold using defaults (test benchmark and test constraints) with the -Xtest_mode that will trigger additional validations: > python myframework -f 0 -Xtest_mode
  8. fix the module integration code until the test produce all results with no error (if the integration generated an error, it is visible in the results).
  9. if this works, validate it against the validation dataset using one fold: > python myframework validation 1h4c -f 0 -Xtest_mode
  10. if this works, try to run it in docker to validate the docker image setup: > python myframework -m docker
  11. if this works, try to run it in aws: > python myframework -m aws
  12. add a brief description of the framework to the documentation in docs/website/framework.html following the same formatting as the other entries.
  13. create a pull request, and ask a review from authors of automlbenchmark: they'll also be happy to help you during this integration.

Add a custom framework

You may want to integrate a framework without wanting to make this publicly available.

In this case, as we've seen above, there's always the possibility to integrate your framework in a custom user_dir.

Using the instructions above:

  1. define what is (or will be) your custom user_dir for this framework.
  2. ensure it contains a config.yaml, otherwise create one (for example copy this one or examples/custom/config.yaml).
  3. create the framework module somewhere under this user_dir, e.g. {user_dir}/extensions/MyFramework.
  4. define the module in {user_dir}/frameworks.yaml (create the file if needed).
  5. follow the same steps as for a "default" framework to implement the integration: setup, test, ... except that you always need to specify the user_dir, e.g. for testing: > python myframework -f 0 -u {user_dir}
  6. there may be some issues when trying to build the docker image when the framework is in a custom folder, as all the files should be under the docker build context: solving this probably requires a multi-stage build, needs more investigation. For now, if you really need a docker image, you can either build it manually, or simply copy the extensions folder temporarily under automlbenchmark.
  7. even without docker image, you can run the framework on AWS, as soon as the custom config.yaml, frameworks.yaml and extensions folder are made available as AWS resources: cf. again the custom configuration. The application will copy those files to the EC2 instances into a local user_dir and will be able to setup the framework there.

Using a Different Hyperparameter Configuration

When you want to use an existing framework integration with a different hyperparameter configuration, it is often enough to write only a custom framework definition without further changes.

Framework definitions accept a params dictionary for pass-through parameters, i.e., parameters that are directly accessible from the file in the framework integration executing the AutoML training. Most integration scripts use this to overwrite any (default) hyperparameter value. Use the extends field to indicate which framework definition to copy default values from, and then add any fields to overwrite. In the example below the n_estimators and verbose params are passed directly to the RandomForestClassifier, which will now train only 200 trees (default is 2000):

  extends: RandomForest
    n_estimators: 200
    verbose: true

This new definition can be used as normal:

python randomforest_custom ...


By convention, param names starting with _ are filtered out (they are not passed to the framework) but are used for custom logic in the For example, the _save_artifact field is often used to allow additional artifacts, such as logs or models, to be saved.