

IMPORTANT: This release paves the way towards a breaking update of OpenML-Python. From version 0.15, functions that had the option to return a pandas DataFrame will return a pandas DataFrame by default. This version (0.14) emits a warning if you still use the old access functionality. More concretely:

  • In 0.15 we will drop the ability to return dictionaries in listing calls and only provide pandas DataFrames. To disable warnings in 0.14 you have to request a pandas DataFrame (using output_format="dataframe").

  • In 0.15 we will drop the ability to return datasets as numpy arrays and only provide pandas DataFrames. To disable warnings in 0.14 you have to request a pandas DataFrame (using dataset_format="dataframe").

Furthermore, from version 0.15, OpenML-Python will no longer download datasets and dataset metadata by default. This version (0.14) emits a warning if you don’t explicitly specifiy the desired behavior.

Please see the pull requests #1258 and #1260 for further information.

  • ADD #1081: New flag that allows disabling downloading dataset features.

  • ADD #1132: New flag that forces a redownload of cached data.

  • FIX #1244: Fixes a rare bug where task listing could fail when the server returned invalid data.

  • DOC #1229: Fixes a comment string for the main example.

  • DOC #1241: Fixes a comment in an example.

  • MAINT #1124: Improve naming of helper functions that govern the cache directories.

  • MAINT #1223, #1250: Update tools used in pre-commit to the latest versions (black==23.30, mypy==1.3.0, flake8==6.0.0).

  • MAINT #1253: Update the citation request to the JMLR paper.

  • MAINT #1246: Add a warning that warns the user that checking for duplicate runs on the server cannot be done without an API key.


  • ADD #1081 #1132: Add additional options for (not) downloading datasets openml.datasets.get_dataset and cache management.

  • ADD #1028: Add functions to delete runs, flows, datasets, and tasks (e.g., openml.datasets.delete_dataset).

  • ADD #1144: Add locally computed results to the OpenMLRun object’s representation if the run was created locally and not downloaded from the server.

  • ADD #1180: Improve the error message when the checksum of a downloaded dataset does not match the checksum provided by the API.

  • ADD #1201: Make OpenMLTraceIteration a dataclass.

  • DOC #1069: Add argument documentation for the OpenMLRun class.

  • DOC #1241 #1229 #1231: Minor documentation fixes and resolve documentation examples not working.

  • FIX #1197 #559 #1131: Fix the order of ground truth and predictions in the OpenMLRun object and in format_prediction.

  • FIX #1198: Support numpy 1.24 and higher.

  • FIX #1216: Allow unknown task types on the server. This is only relevant when new task types are added to the test server.

  • FIX #1223: Fix mypy errors for implicit optional typing.

  • MAINT #1155: Add dependabot github action to automatically update other github actions.

  • MAINT #1199: Obtain pre-commit’s flake8 from instead of

  • MAINT #1215: Support latest numpy version.

  • MAINT #1218: Test Python3.6 on Ubuntu 20.04 instead of the latest Ubuntu (which is 22.04).

  • MAINT #1221 #1212 #1206 #1211: Update github actions to the latest versions.


  • FIX #1030: pre-commit hooks now no longer should issue a warning.

  • FIX #1058, #1100: Avoid NoneType error when printing task without class_labels attribute.

  • FIX #1110: Make arguments to create_study and create_suite that are defined as optional by the OpenML XSD actually optional.

  • FIX #1147: openml.flow.flow_exists no longer requires an API key.

  • FIX #1184: Automatically resolve proxies when downloading from minio. Turn this off by setting environment variable no_proxy="*".

  • MAINT #1088: Do CI for Windows on Github Actions instead of Appveyor.

  • MAINT #1104: Fix outdated docstring for list_task.

  • MAINT #1146: Update the pre-commit dependencies.

  • ADD #1103: Add a predictions property to OpenMLRun for easy accessibility of prediction data.

  • ADD #1188: EXPERIMENTAL. Allow downloading all files from a minio bucket with download_all_files=True for get_dataset.


  • ADD #1065: Add a retry_policy configuration option that determines the frequency and number of times to attempt to retry server requests.

  • ADD #1075: A docker image is now automatically built on a push to develop. It can be used to build docs or run tests in an isolated environment.

  • ADD: You can now avoid downloading ‘qualities’ meta-data when downloading a task with the download_qualities parameter of openml.tasks.get_task[s] functions.

  • DOC: Fixes a few broken links in the documentation.

  • DOC #1061: Improve examples to always show a warning when they switch to the test server.

  • DOC #1067: Improve documentation on the scikit-learn extension interface.

  • DOC #1068: Create dedicated extensions page.

  • FIX #1075: Correctly convert y to a pandas series when downloading sparse data.

  • MAINT: Rename master brach to ` main` branch.

  • MAINT/DOC: Automatically check for broken external links when building the documentation.

  • MAINT/DOC: Fail documentation building on warnings. This will make the documentation building fail if a reference cannot be found (i.e. an internal link is broken).


  • ADD #895/#1038: Measure runtimes of scikit-learn runs also for models which are parallelized via the joblib.

  • DOC #1050: Refer to the webpage instead of the XML file in the main example.

  • DOC #1051: Document existing extensions to OpenML-Python besides the shipped scikit-learn extension.

  • FIX #1035: Render class attributes and methods again.

  • ADD #1049: Add a command line tool for configuration openml-python.

  • FIX #1042: Fixes a rare concurrency issue with OpenML-Python and joblib which caused the joblib worker pool to fail.

  • FIX #1053: Fixes a bug which could prevent importing the package in a docker container.


  • ADD #964: Validate ignore_attribute, default_target_attribute, row_id_attribute are set to attributes that exist on the dataset when calling create_dataset.

  • ADD #979: Dataset features and qualities are now also cached in pickle format.

  • ADD #982: Add helper functions for column transformers.

  • ADD #989: run_model_on_task will now warn the user the the model passed has already been fitted.

  • ADD #1009 : Give possibility to not download the dataset qualities. The cached version is used even so download attribute is false.

  • ADD #1016: Add scikit-learn 0.24 support.

  • ADD #1020: Add option to parallelize evaluation of tasks with joblib.

  • ADD #1022: Allow minimum version of dependencies to be listed for a flow, use more accurate minimum versions for scikit-learn dependencies.

  • ADD #1023: Add admin-only calls for adding topics to datasets.

  • ADD #1029: Add support for fetching dataset from a minio server in parquet format.

  • ADD #1031: Generally improve runtime measurements, add them for some previously unsupported flows (e.g. BaseSearchCV derived flows).

  • DOC #973 : Change the task used in the welcome page example so it no longer fails using numerical dataset.

  • MAINT #671: Improved the performance of check_datasets_active by only querying the given list of datasets in contrast to querying all datasets. Modified the corresponding unit test.

  • MAINT #891: Changed the way that numerical features are stored. Numerical features that range from 0 to 255 are now stored as uint8, which reduces the storage space required as well as storing and loading times.

  • MAINT #975, #988: Add CI through Github Actions.

  • MAINT #977: Allow short and long scenarios for unit tests. Reduce the workload for some unit tests.

  • MAINT #985, #1000: Improve unit test stability and output readability, and adds load balancing.

  • MAINT #1018: Refactor data loading and storage. Data is now compressed on the first call to get_data.

  • MAINT #1024: Remove flaky decorator for study unit test.

  • FIX #883 #884 #906 #972: Various improvements to the caching system.

  • FIX #980: Speed up check_datasets_active.

  • FIX #984: Add a retry mechanism when the server encounters a database issue.

  • FIX #1004: Fixed an issue that prevented installation on some systems (e.g. Ubuntu).

  • FIX #1013: Fixes a bug where OpenMLRun.setup_string was not uploaded to the server, prepares for run_details being sent from the server.

  • FIX #1021: Fixes an issue that could occur when running unit tests and openml-python was not in PATH.

  • FIX #1037: Fixes a bug where a dataset could not be loaded if a categorical value had listed nan-like as a possible category.


  • ADD #753: Allows uploading custom flows to OpenML via OpenML-Python.

  • ADD #777: Allows running a flow on pandas dataframes (in addition to numpy arrays).

  • ADD #888: Allow passing a task_id to run_model_on_task.

  • ADD #894: Support caching of datasets using feather format as an option.

  • ADD #929: Add edit_dataset and fork_dataset to allow editing and forking of uploaded datasets.

  • ADD #866, #943: Add support for scikit-learn’s passthrough and drop when uploading flows to OpenML.

  • ADD #879: Add support for scikit-learn’s MLP hyperparameter layer_sizes.

  • ADD #894: Support caching of datasets using feather format as an option.

  • ADD #945: PEP 561 compliance for distributing Type information.

  • DOC #660: Remove nonexistent argument from docstring.

  • DOC #901: The API reference now documents the config file and its options.

  • DOC #912: API reference now shows create_task.

  • DOC #954: Remove TODO text from documentation.

  • DOC #960: document how to upload multiple ignore attributes.

  • FIX #873: Fixes an issue which resulted in incorrect URLs when printing OpenML objects after switching the server.

  • FIX #885: Logger no longer registered by default. Added utility functions to easily register logging to console and file.

  • FIX #890: Correct the scaling of data in the SVM example.

  • MAINT #371: list_evaluations default size changed from None to 10_000.

  • MAINT #767: Source distribution installation is now unit-tested.

  • MAINT #781: Add pre-commit and automated code formatting with black.

  • MAINT #804: Rename arguments of list_evaluations to indicate they expect lists of ids.

  • MAINT #836: OpenML supports only pandas version 1.0.0 or above.

  • MAINT #865: OpenML no longer bundles test files in the source distribution.

  • MAINT #881: Improve the error message for too-long URIs.

  • MAINT #897: Dropping support for Python 3.5.

  • MAINT #916: Adding support for Python 3.8.

  • MAINT #920: Improve error messages for dataset upload.

  • MAINT #921: Improve hangling of the OpenML server URL in the config file.

  • MAINT #925: Improve error handling and error message when loading datasets.

  • MAINT #928: Restructures the contributing documentation.

  • MAINT #936: Adding support for scikit-learn 0.23.X.

  • MAINT #945: Make OpenML-Python PEP562 compliant.

  • MAINT #951: Converts TaskType class to a TaskType enum.


  • ADD #857: Adds task type ID to list_runs

  • DOC #862: Added license BSD 3-Clause to each of the source files.


  • ADD #175: Automatically adds the docstring of scikit-learn objects to flow and its parameters.

  • ADD #737: New evaluation listing call that includes the hyperparameter settings.

  • ADD #744: It is now possible to only issue a warning and not raise an exception if the package versions for a flow are not met when deserializing it.

  • ADD #783: The URL to download the predictions for a run is now stored in the run object.

  • ADD #790: Adds the uploader name and id as new filtering options for list_evaluations.

  • ADD #792: New convenience function openml.flow.get_flow_id.

  • ADD #861: Debug-level log information now being written to a file in the cache directory (at most 2 MB).

  • DOC #778: Introduces instructions on how to publish an extension to support other libraries than scikit-learn.

  • DOC #785: The examples section is completely restructured into simple simple examples, advanced examples and examples showcasing the use of OpenML-Python to reproduce papers which were done with OpenML-Python.

  • DOC #788: New example on manually iterating through the split of a task.

  • DOC #789: Improve the usage of dataframes in the examples.

  • DOC #791: New example for the paper Efficient and Robust Automated Machine Learning by Feurer et al. (2015).

  • DOC #803: New example for the paper Don’t Rule Out Simple Models Prematurely: A Large Scale Benchmark Comparing Linear and Non-linear Classifiers in OpenML by Benjamin Strang et al. (2018).

  • DOC #808: New example demonstrating basic use cases of a dataset.

  • DOC #810: New example demonstrating the use of benchmarking studies and suites.

  • DOC #832: New example for the paper Scalable Hyperparameter Transfer Learning by Valerio Perrone et al. (2019)

  • DOC #834: New example showing how to plot the loss surface for a support vector machine.

  • FIX #305: Do not require the external version in the flow XML when loading an object.

  • FIX #734: Better handling of “old” flows.

  • FIX #736: Attach a StreamHandler to the openml logger instead of the root logger.

  • FIX #758: Fixes an error which made the client API crash when loading a sparse data with categorical variables.

  • FIX #779: Do not fail on corrupt pickle

  • FIX #782: Assign the study id to the correct class attribute.

  • FIX #819: Automatically convert column names to type string when uploading a dataset.

  • FIX #820: Make __repr__ work for datasets which do not have an id.

  • MAINT #796: Rename an argument to make the function list_evaluations more consistent.

  • MAINT #811: Print the full error message given by the server.

  • MAINT #828: Create base class for OpenML entity classes.

  • MAINT #829: Reduce the number of data conversion warnings.

  • MAINT #831: Warn if there’s an empty flow description when publishing a flow.

  • MAINT #837: Also print the flow XML if a flow fails to validate.

  • FIX #838: Fix list_evaluations_setups to work when evaluations are not a 100 multiple.

  • FIX #847: Fixes an issue where the client API would crash when trying to download a dataset when there are no qualities available on the server.

  • MAINT #849: Move logic of most different publish functions into the base class.

  • MAINt #850: Remove outdated test code.


  • ADD #737: Add list_evaluations_setups to return hyperparameters along with list of evaluations.

  • FIX #261: Test server is cleared of all files uploaded during unit testing.

  • FIX #447: All files created by unit tests no longer persist in local.

  • FIX #608: Fixing dataset_id referenced before assignment error in get_run function.

  • FIX #447: All files created by unit tests are deleted after the completion of all unit tests.

  • FIX #589: Fixing a bug that did not successfully upload the columns to ignore when creating and publishing a dataset.

  • FIX #608: Fixing dataset_id referenced before assignment error in get_run function.

  • DOC #639: More descriptive documention for function to convert array format.

  • DOC #719: Add documentation on uploading tasks.

  • ADD #687: Adds a function to retrieve the list of evaluation measures available.

  • ADD #695: A function to retrieve all the data quality measures available.

  • ADD #412: Add a function to trim flow names for scikit-learn flows.

  • ADD #715: list_evaluations now has an option to sort evaluations by score (value).

  • ADD #722: Automatic reinstantiation of flow in run_model_on_task. Clearer errors if that’s not possible.

  • ADD #412: The scikit-learn extension populates the short name field for flows.

  • MAINT #726: Update examples to remove deprecation warnings from scikit-learn

  • MAINT #752: Update OpenML-Python to be compatible with sklearn 0.21

  • ADD #790: Add user ID and name to list_evaluations


  • ADD #560: OpenML-Python can now handle regression tasks as well.

  • ADD #620, #628, #632, #649, #682: Full support for studies and distinguishes suites from studies.

  • ADD #607: Tasks can now be created and uploaded.

  • ADD #647, #673: Introduced the extension interface. This provides an easy way to create a hook for machine learning packages to perform e.g. automated runs.

  • ADD #548, #646, #676: Support for Pandas DataFrame and SparseDataFrame

  • ADD #662: Results of listing functions can now be returned as pandas.DataFrame.

  • ADD #59: Datasets can now also be retrieved by name.

  • ADD #672: Add timing measurements for runs, when possible.

  • ADD #661: Upload time and error messages now displayed with list_runs.

  • ADD #644: Datasets can now be downloaded ‘lazily’, retrieving only metadata at first, and the full dataset only when necessary.

  • ADD #659: Lazy loading of task splits.

  • ADD #516: run_flow_on_task flow uploading is now optional.

  • ADD #680: Adds openml.config.start_using_configuration_for_example (and resp. stop) to easily connect to the test server.

  • ADD #75, #653: Adds a pretty print for objects of the top-level classes.

  • FIX #642: check_datasets_active now correctly also returns active status of deactivated datasets.

  • FIX #304, #636: Allow serialization of numpy datatypes and list of lists of more types (e.g. bools, ints) for flows.

  • FIX #651: Fixed a bug that would prevent openml-python from finding the user’s config file.

  • FIX #693: OpenML-Python uses liac-arff instead of for loading task splits now.

  • DOC #678: Better color scheme for code examples in documentation.

  • DOC #681: Small improvements and removing list of missing functions.

  • DOC #684: Add notice to examples that connect to the test server.

  • DOC #688: Add new example on retrieving evaluations.

  • DOC #691: Update contributing guidelines to use Github draft feature instead of tags in title.

  • DOC #692: All functions are documented now.

  • MAINT #184: Dropping Python2 support.

  • MAINT #596: Fewer dependencies for regular pip install.

  • MAINT #652: Numpy and Scipy are no longer required before installation.

  • MAINT #655: Lazy loading is now preferred in unit tests.

  • MAINT #667: Different tag functions now share code.

  • MAINT #666: More descriptive error message for TypeError in list_runs.

  • MAINT #668: Fix some type hints.

  • MAINT #677: dataset.get_data now has consistent behavior in its return type.

  • MAINT #686: Adds ignore directives for several mypy folders.

  • MAINT #629, #630: Code now adheres to single PEP8 standard.


  • ADD #440: Improved dataset upload.

  • ADD #545, #583: Allow uploading a dataset from a pandas DataFrame.

  • ADD #528: New functions to update the status of a dataset.

  • ADD #523: Support for scikit-learn 0.20’s new ColumnTransformer.

  • ADD #459: Enhanced support to store runs on disk prior to uploading them to OpenML.

  • ADD #564: New helpers to access the structure of a flow (and find its subflows).

  • ADD #618: The software will from now on retry to connect to the server if a connection failed. The number of retries can be configured.

  • FIX #538: Support loading clustering tasks.

  • FIX #464: Fixes a bug related to listing functions (returns correct listing size).

  • FIX #580: Listing function now works properly when there are less results than requested.

  • FIX #571: Fixes an issue where tasks could not be downloaded in parallel.

  • FIX #536: Flows can now be printed when the flow name is None.

  • FIX #504: Better support for hierarchical hyperparameters when uploading scikit-learn’s grid and random search.

  • FIX #569: Less strict checking of flow dependencies when loading flows.

  • FIX #431: Pickle of task splits are no longer cached.

  • DOC #540: More examples for dataset uploading.

  • DOC #554: Remove the doubled progress entry from the docs.

  • MAINT #613: Utilize the latest updates in OpenML evaluation listings.

  • MAINT #482: Cleaner interface for handling search traces.

  • MAINT #557: Continuous integration works for scikit-learn 0.18-0.20.

  • MAINT #542: Continuous integration now runs python3.7 as well.

  • MAINT #535: Continuous integration now enforces PEP8 compliance for new code.

  • MAINT #527: Replace deprecated nose by pytest.

  • MAINT #510: Documentation is now built by travis-ci instead of circle-ci.

  • MAINT: Completely re-designed documentation built on sphinx gallery.

  • MAINT #462: Appveyor CI support.

  • MAINT #477: Improve error handling for issue #479: the OpenML connector fails earlier and with a better error message when failing to create a flow from the OpenML description.

  • MAINT #561: Improve documentation on running specific unit tests.


There is no changelog for these versions.


  • Add this changelog

  • 2nd example notebook PyOpenML.ipynb

  • Pagination support for list datasets and list tasks


There is no changelog for prior versions.