- openml.runs.list_runs(offset: int | None = None, size: int | None = None, id: List | None = None, task: List[int] | None = None, setup: List | None = None, flow: List | None = None, uploader: List | None = None, tag: str | None = None, study: int | None = None, display_errors: bool = False, output_format: str = 'dict', **kwargs) Dict | DataFrame ¶
List all runs matching all of the given filters. (Supports large amount of results)
- Parameters:
- offsetint, optional
the number of runs to skip, starting from the first
- sizeint, optional
the maximum number of runs to show
- idlist, optional
- tasklist, optional
- setup: list, optional
- flowlist, optional
- uploaderlist, optional
- tagstr, optional
- studyint, optional
- display_errorsbool, optional (default=None)
Whether to list runs which have an error (for example a missing prediction file).
- output_format: str, optional (default=’dict’)
The parameter decides the format of the output. - If ‘dict’ the output is a dict of dict - If ‘dataframe’ the output is a pandas DataFrame
- kwargsdict, optional
Legal filter operators: task_type.
- Returns:
- dict of dicts, or dataframe