int | None = None, size: int | None = None, status: str | None = None, uploader: List[int] | None = None, output_format: str = 'dict') Dict | DataFrame

Return a list of all suites which are on OpenML.

offsetint, optional

The number of suites to skip, starting from the first.

sizeint, optional

The maximum number of suites to show.

statusstr, optional

Should be {active, in_preparation, deactivated, all}. By default active suites are returned.

uploaderlist (int), optional

Result filter. Will only return suites created by these users.

output_format: str, optional (default=’dict’)

The parameter decides the format of the output. - If ‘dict’ the output is a dict of dict - If ‘dataframe’ the output is a pandas DataFrame

datasetsdict of dicts, or dataframe
  • If output_format=’dict’

    Every suite is represented by a dictionary containing the following information: - id - alias (optional) - name - main_entity_type - status - creator - creation_date

  • If output_format=’dataframe’

    Every row is represented by a dictionary containing the following information: - id - alias (optional) - name - main_entity_type - status - creator - creation_date