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Contributing to the AutoML Benchmark

We appreciate you are considering contributing to the AutoML Benchmark. Remote collaboration may be hard sometimes, so we provide guidelines in this document to make the experience as smooth as possible.

In this document there is information on:

Reporting a Bug

If you find a bug with the software, please first search our issue tracker to see if it has been reported before. If it has been, please see if there is relevant information missing that may help reproduce the issue and add it if necessary. If there is nothing to add, simply leave a 👍 on the issue. This lets us know more people are affected by it.

Creating a Bug Report

After confirming your bug isn't reported on our issue tracker, please open a new issue to make a bug report. A good bug report should describe the error and also provide:

  • A minimal script (and/or configuration) to reproduce the issue.
  • The observed behavior, for example a stack trace with the error.
  • The expected behavior. What did you expect to happen?
  • Any additional information you may have.
  • Information on your installed versions. If applicable, please provide both information about the runbenchmark environment and the framework environment (typically in frameworks/FRAMEWORK/venv).

Observing these guidelines greatly improves the chance that we are able to help you. It also allows us to address the issue more quickly, which means we can help more people.


If you want to suggest a new feature for the benchmark software, please open an issue. Please motivate why we should consider adding the feature and how the user is expected to use it.


If you have a suggestion for a new dataset to include in the benchmark, please open a discussion on the datasets board. Please motivate why the dataset is a good inclusion for the benchmark. Examples of good motivations may include:

  • Evidence that it produces interesting results, for example by reporting a small scale benchmark on the dataset.
  • Evidence that is represents a very relevant problem, e.g., because it is frequently used in scientific literature.

Additionally, please provide a link to the data, preferably on OpenML, and indicate its license (if known). Please note that the benchmark currently supports limited data types. Suggestions for datasets with data types which are currently not yet be supported are still welcome, as they may help us more effectively great a good benchmark later when support is added.


If you have other suggestions about benchmark design, please open a suggestion on the general board. Please motivate why we should consider changing (or adding to) the benchmark design.

Contributing Changes

We welcome all contributions by the community. To contribute changes to the code or documentation, we follow a default git workflow which is also outlined below.

For text changes

If you only want to contribute minor text changes, it is possible to do so directly on Github. Click the pencil icon on the relevant file(s) to edit the documents, and Github should allow you to automatically commit to your own fork. After that, set up a pull request as specified below under 'Opening a Pull Request'.

Volunteering an Issue

In order to avoid a scenario where multiple people do the same work, the first thing to do is to make sure we (and other contributors) know you are working on a particular issue or feature. Please ensure that a related issue is open on the issue board or open one if necessary, and ask to be assigned to that issue. This communicates with all collaborators that they should not work on that issue, and thus we can avoid double work. It also gives us a chance to indicate whether we are (still) interested in the proposed changes. If it is unclear how to add the feature, or if you are unsure of which fix to apply to remove a bug, please discuss this in the issue.

Setting up the Development Environment

Fork the repository by clicking on the fork button on the top right of our Github page. This should create a repository named automlbenchmark under your Github account. Clone this repository (replace

git clone

Use Python 3.9

AutoML benchmark currently only officially supports Python 3.9. We advise you use that version when developing locally.

then set up your local virtual environment:

cd automlbenchmark
python -m venv venv
source venv\bin\activate
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

this should set up the minimum requirements for running the benchmark and running our developer tools. The following commands should now both successfully:

python constantpredictor -f 0
python -m pytest 
python -m mkdocs serve

When python -m mkdocs serve is running, you should be able to navigate to the local documentation server (by default at and see the documentation.

Make Code Changes

Please make sure that:

  • All added code has annotated type hints and functions have docstrings.
  • Changed or added code is covered by unit tests.
  • The pull request does not add/change more than it has to in order to fix the bug/add the feature and meet the above criteria.
  • The tests and script still work the same as above.

In case the PR is a bug fix, please try to convert the minimal reproducing example of the original issue to a unit test and include it in the test suite to help avoid future regressions. Finally, commit the changes with a meaningful commit message about what was changed and why.

Make Documentation Changes

The software documentation pages are written on mkdocs using mkdocs-material, when editing these pages you can see live updates when running the python -m mkdocs serve command. The main landing page with information about the project is written in pure html and css.

Open a Pull Request

When opening a pull request, reference the issue that it closes. Please also provide any additional context that helps review the pull request that may not have been appropriate as code comments.