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The AutoML benchmark has a host of settings that can be configured from a yaml file. It is possible to write your own configuration file that overrides the default behavior in a flexible manner.

Configuration Options

The default configuration options can be found in the resources/config.yaml file.

project_repository:      # this is also the url used to clone the repository on ec2 instances
                                                                          # when running those without docker.
                                                                          # to clone a specific branch/tag, add a url fragment, e.g.:

user_dir:    # where to override settings with a custom config.yaml file and, for example, add custom frameworks, benchmark definitions or framework modules: set by caller (
input_dir:   # where the datasets are loaded by default: : set by caller (
output_dir:  # where logs and results are saved by default: set by caller (
root_dir:    # app root dir: set by caller (

script:     # calling script: set by caller (
run_mode:   # target run mode (local, docker, aws): set by caller (
sid:        # session id: set by caller (
job_history:    # file containing the list of jobs already executed: set by caller (

test_mode: false        # if set to true, some additional checks are executed at runtime.
seed: auto              # default global seed (used if not set in task definition), can be one of:
                        #  `auto`: a global seed will be generated and passed to all jobs.
                        #  `none`: no seed will be provided (seed left to framework's responsibility).
                        #   any int32 to pass a fixed seed to the jobs.
token_separator: '.'    # set to '_' for backwards compatibility.
                        # This separator is used to generate directory structure and files,
                        # however the '_' separator makes the parsing of those names more difficult as it's also used in framework names, task names...
archive: ['logs']       # list of output folders that should be archived by default.

setup:                   # configuration namespace for the framework setup phase.
  live_output: true      # set to true to stream the output of setup commands, if false they are only printed when setup is complete.
  activity_timeout: 600  # when using live output, subprocess will be considered as hanging if nothing was printed during this activity time.

frameworks:              # configuration namespace for the frameworks definitions.
  definition_file:       # list of yaml files describing the frameworks base definitions.
    - '{root}/resources/frameworks.yaml'
  root_module: frameworks     # the default python module under which the frameworks modules are defined.
  allow_duplicates: false     # if true, the last definition is used.
  tags: ['stable', 'latest', '2020Q2', '2021Q3', '2023Q2']  # the list of supported tags when looking up frameworks:
                              # for example frmwk:latest will look for framework frmwk in a frameworks_latest.yaml file if present.

benchmarks:                     # configuration namespace for the benchmarks definitions.
  definition_dir:               # list of directories containing the benchmarks yaml definitions.
    - '{root}/resources/benchmarks'
  constraints_file:             # list of yaml files describing the benchmarks runtime constraints.
    - '{root}/resources/constraints.yaml'
  on_unfulfilled_constraint: 'auto'  # one of ('auto', 'warn', 'fail'), used when checking the os resources if one memory/core/volume constraint can not be fulfilled:
                                     #   if 'auto' benchmark, will fail on important unfulfilled constraints (cores, memory) on non local modes, and warn otherwise.
                                     #   if 'warn' only a warning message will be emitted;
                                     #   if 'fail' the benchmark will be immediately interrupted;
  os_mem_size_mb: 2048          # the default amount of memory left to the OS when task assigned memory is computed automatically.
  os_vol_size_mb: 2048          # the default amount of volume left to the OS when task volume memory is verified.
  overhead_time_multiplier: 2   # multiplier to the time allowed for the job to complete before sending an interruption signal. Default is 2 if unspecified.
  overhead_time_seconds: 3600   # amount of additional time allowed for the job to complete before sending an interruption signal.
                                # the total allowed time is min(value * overhead_time_multiplier, value + overhead_time_seconds)
  metrics:                      # default metrics by dataset type (as listed by,
                                # only the first metric is optimized by the frameworks,
                                # the others are computed only for information purpose.
    binary: ['auc', 'logloss', 'acc', 'balacc']     # available metrics: auc (AUC), acc (Accuracy), balacc (Balanced Accuracy), pr_auc (Precision Recall AUC), logloss (Log Loss), f1, f2, f05 (F-beta scores with beta=1, 2, or 0.5), max_pce, mean_pce (Max/Mean Per-Class Error).
    multiclass: ['logloss', 'acc', 'balacc']        # available metrics: same as for binary, except auc, replaced by auc_ovo (AUC One-vs-One), auc_ovr (AUC One-vs-Rest). AUC metrics and F-beta metrics are computed with weighted average.
    regression: ['rmse', 'r2', 'mae']               # available metrics: mae (Mean Absolute Error), mse (Mean Squared Error), msle (Mean Squared Logarithmic Error), rmse (Root Mean Square Error), rmsle (Root Mean Square Logarithmic Error), r2 (R^2).
    timeseries: ['mase', 'mape', 'smape', 'wape', 'rmse', 'mse', 'mql', 'wql', 'sql']  # available metrics: mase (Mean Absolute Scaled Error), mape (Mean Absolute Percentage Error), smape (Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error), wape (Weighted Absolute Percentage Error), rmse (Root Mean Square Error), mse (Mean Square Error), mql (Mean Quantile Loss), wql (Weighted Quantile Loss), sql (Scaled Quantile Loss).

  defaults:            # the default constraints, usually overridden by a constraint.
    folds: 10          # the amount of fold-runs executed for each dataset.
    max_runtime_seconds: 3600   # default time allocated to the framework to train a model.
    cores: -1                   # default amount of cores used for each automl task. If <= 0, will try to use all cores.
    max_mem_size_mb: -1         # default amount of memory assigned to each automl task. If <= 0, then the amount of memory is computed from os available memory.
    min_vol_size_mb: -1         # default minimum amount of free space required on the volume. If <= 0, skips verification.
    quantile_levels: [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9]  # default quantile_levels for timeseries problem type

job_scheduler:           # configuration namespace
  exit_on_job_failure:   # if true, the entire run will be aborted on the first job failure (mainly used for testing) : set by caller (
  parallel_jobs: 1       # the number of jobs being run in parallel in a benchmark session, set by caller (
  max_parallel_jobs: 10  # safety limit: increase this if you want to be able to run many jobs in parallel, especially in aws mode. Defaults to 10 to allow running the usual 10 folds in parallel with no problem.
  delay_between_jobs: 5  # delay in seconds between each parallel job start

monitoring:               # configuration namespace describing the basic monitoring features: currently, the app only logs each statistic at a given interval.
  interval_seconds: 120   # set to <= 0 to disable monitoring
  statistics: ['cpu', 'sys_memory', 'volume'] # the monitoring values currently available are:
                          # cpu : monitors global cpu usage; higher verbosity provides cpu usage per core.
                          # sys_memory : monitors the global memory usage; higher verbosity increases the precision: from percent (v=0) to bytes (v>=2).
                          # volume : monitors the volume usage; higher verbosity increases the precision, from percent (v=0) to bytes (v>=2).
                          # proc_memory : monitors the memory usage on the main process; higher verbosity adds some details.
                          # sub_proc_memory : monitors the memory usage on the framework subprocess running in its virtual environment; available only if the main process is run as root.
  verbosity: 0            # from 0 to 3, higher verbosity provides more details for each statistic.

results:                 # configuration namespace for the results.csv file.
  error_max_length: 200  # the max length of the error message as rendered in the results file.
  global_save: true      # set by, if true adds the results to the main `results.csv` in the {output.dir}
  global_lock_timeout: 5 # the timeout used to wait for the lock on the global results file.
  incremental_save: true # if true save results after each job., otherwise save results only when all jobs are completed.

inference_time_measurements:  # configuration namespace for performing additional inference time measurements on various batch sizes
  enabled: false
  batch_sizes: [1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000]  # the batch sizes for which inference speed should be measured
  repeats: 10                            # the number of times to repeat the inference measurement for each batch size
  additional_job_time: 300  # the time in seconds that will be added to the maximum job time if inference time is measured
  limit_by_dataset_size: true  # Don't measure inference time on `batch size` if it exceeds the number of rows in the dataset.
                               # E.g., on micro-mass (571 rows) with `batch_sizes` [1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000], only measure [1, 10, 100].

openml:                # configuration namespace for openML.
  apikey: c1994bdb7ecb3c6f3c8f3b35f4b47f1f
  infer_dtypes: False

versions:              # configuration namespace for versions enforcement (libraries versions are usually enforced in requirements.txt for the app and for each framework).
  python: 3.9          # the Python minor version that will be used by the application in containers and cloud instances, also used as a based version for virtual environments created for each framework.

container: &container          # parent configuration namespace for container modes.
  force_branch: true           # set to true if image can only be built from a clean branch, with same tag as defined in `project_repository`.
  ignore_labels: ['stable']    # branches listed here won't appear in the container name.
  minimize_instances: true     # set to true to avoid running multiple container instances on the same machine.
  run_extra_options: ''        # additional options passed to the container exec.
  image:                       # set this value through -Xcontainer.image=my-image to run benchmark with a specific image
    author: automlbenchmark
    image:                     # set by container impl based on framework name, lowercase
    tag:                       # set by container impl based on framework version

docker:                        # configuration namespace for docker: it inherits from `container` namespace.
  <<: *container
  run_extra_options: '--shm-size=2048M'
  run_as: 'default'    # Sets the user inside the docker container (`docker run -u`), one of:
                       #  * 'user': set as `-u $(id -u):$(id -g)`, only on unix systems.
                       #  * 'root': set as `-u 0:0`
                       #  * 'default': does not set `-u`
                       #  * any string that starts with `-u`, which will be directly forwarded.
                       # Try this setting if you have problems with permissions in docker.
  build_extra_options: ''

singularity:                   # configuration namespace for docker: it inherits from `container` namespace.
  <<: *container
  library: 'automlbenchmark/default'

aws:                    # configuration namespace for AWS mode.
  region: ''            # the AWS region to use. By default, the app will use the region set in ~/.aws/config when configuring AWS CLI.

  iam:                                               # sub-namespace for AWS IAM service.
                                                     # Mainly used to allow secure communication between S3 storage and EC2 instances.
    role_name: AutomlBenchmarkRole                   # must be unique per AWS account, max 40 chars.
                                                     # if temporary is set to true, the generated role name will be `<role_name>-<now>`.
                                                     # cf. commplete restrictions:
    s3_policy_name: AutomlBenchmarkS3Policy
    instance_profile_name: AutomlBenchmarkProfile    # must be unique per AWS account.
                                                     # if temporary is set to true, the generated instance profile name will be `<instance_profile_name>-<now>`.
    temporary: false                                 # if true, the IAM entities will be automatically recreated during setup and deleted at the end of the benchmark run.
    credentials_propagation_waiting_time_secs: 360   # time to wait before being able to start ec2 instances when using new or temporary credentials.
    max_role_session_duration_secs: 7200             # the max duration (in seconds) during which the ec2 instance will have access to s3.
                                                     # This should be a number between 900 (15mn) to 43200 (12h).

  s3:                               # sub-namespace for AWS S3 service.
    bucket: automl-benchmark        # must be unique im whole Amazon s3, max 40 chars, and include only numbers, lowercase characters and hyphens.
                                    # if temporary is set to true, the generated bucket name will be `<bucket>-<now>`.
                                    # cf. complete restrictions:
    temporary: false                # if true, the S3 bucket is created during setup and deleted at the end of the benchmark run.
                                    # Note that for safety reasons, the bucket is then created with a generated name: <s3.bucket>-<now>.
                                    # if false, the real <s3.bucket> name is used (after creation if it doesn't exists), but never deleted.
    root_key: ec2/                  #
    delete_resources: false         #

    regions:                             #
        ami: ami-053b0d53c279acc90
        description: Canonical, Ubuntu, 22.04 LTS, amd64 jammy image build on 2023-05-16
        ami: ami-024e6efaf93d85776
        description: Canonical, Ubuntu, 22.04 LTS, amd64 jammy image build on 2023-05-16
        ami: ami-0f8e81a3da6e2510a
        description: Canonical, Ubuntu, 22.04 LTS, amd64 jammy image build on 2023-05-16
        ami: ami-01dd271720c1ba44f
        description: Canonical, Ubuntu, 22.04 LTS, amd64 jammy image build on 2023-05-16
        ami: ami-04e601abe3e1a910f
        description: Canonical, Ubuntu, 22.04 LTS, amd64 jammy image build on 2023-05-16
    instance_type:                       #
      series: m5                         #
      map:                               # map between num cores required and ec2 instance type sizes
        default: large
        '1': small
        '2': large
        '4': xlarge
        '8': 2xlarge
        '16': 4xlarge
    instance_tags: {}                    # specify custom tags for the EC2 instances here
    volume_type: standard                # one of gp2, io1, st1, sc1, or standard (default).
    volume_tags: {}                      # specify custom tags for the volume tags here (if empty, will apply the same tags as the corresponding instance)
    root_device_name: '/dev/sda1'        #
    availability_zone:                   # the availability zone where the instances will be created (if not set, aws will pick a default one).
    subnet_id: ''                        #
    key_name:                            # the name of the key pair passed to EC2 instances (if not set, user can't ssh the running instances)
    security_groups: []                  # the optional additional security groups to set on the instances
    terminate_instances: always          # if `always`, the EC2 instances are always terminated.
                                         # if `success`, EC2 instances are terminated at the end of the main job iff it ended successfully (=the main results could be downloaded),
                                         #               otherwise the instance is just stopped and open to manual investigation after restart in case of issue
                                         #               (don't forget to delete the instance UserData before restarting it).
                                         # if `never`, the instances are only stopped.
    terminate_waiter:                    # the config used to wait for instance complete stop or termination (to completely disable the waiter, set it to None, or set max_attempts to 0)
      delay: 0                           # delay between each request during waiting period: 0 defaults to `aws.query_frequency_seconds` instead of aws defaults (15).
      max_attempts: 40                   # max requests during waiting period: using aws defaults (40)
    spot:                                #
      enabled: false                     # if enabled, aws mode will try to obtain a spot instance instead of on-demand.
      block_enabled: false               # if enabled, and if spot is enabled, aws mode will try to use block instances (possible only if total instance runtime <= 6h, i.e. for benchmark runtime up to 4h).
      max_hourly_price: ''               # the max hourly price (in dollar) per instance to bid (defaults to on-demand price).
      fallback_to_on_demand: false       # if we couldn't obtain any spot instance after all attempts in the job scheduling logic, then starts an on-demand instance.
    monitoring:                          # EC2 instances monitoring
      cpu:                               #
        period_minutes: 5                #
        delta_minutes: 30                #
        threshold: 5                     #
        abort_inactive_instances: true   # stop/terminate instance if its cpu activity was lower than `threshold` %, for all periods or `period_minutes` in the last `delta_minutes`.
        query_interval_seconds: 300      # set to <= 0 to disable

  job_scheduler:                             # AWS mode sub-namespace specifying
    max_attempts: 10                         #
    retry_policy: 'exponential:300:2:10800'  # use "constant:interval", "linear:start:increment:max" or "exponential:start:factor:max"
                                             # e.g. "linear:300:600" will first wait 5min and then add 10min to waiting time between each retry,
                                             #      "exponential:300:2:10800" with first wait 5min and then double waiting time between each retry, until the maximum of 3h then used for all retries.
    retry_on_errors:                         # Boto3 errors that will trigger a job reschedule.
      - 'SpotMaxPriceTooLow'
      - 'MaxSpotInstanceCountExceeded'
      - 'InsufficientFreeAddressesInSubnet'
      - 'InsufficientInstanceCapacity'
      - 'VolumeLimitExceeded'
    retry_on_states:                         # EC2 instance states that will trigger a job reschedule.
      - 'Server.SpotInstanceShutdown'
      - 'Server.SpotInstanceTermination'
      - 'Server.InsufficientInstanceCapacity'
      - 'Client.VolumeLimitExceeded'

  max_timeout_seconds: 21600    #
  os_mem_size_mb: 0             # overrides the default amount of memory left to the os in AWS mode, and set to 0 for fairness as we can't always prevent frameworks from using all available memory.
  overhead_time_seconds: 1800   # amount of additional time allowed for the job to complete on aws before the instance is stopped.
  query_interval_seconds: 30    # check instance state every N seconds

  resource_files: []            # additional resource files or directories that are made available to benchmark runs on ec2, from remote input or user directory.
                                # Those files are actually uploaded to s3 bucket (precisely to s3://{s3.bucket}/{s3.root_key}/user),
                                #  this folder being itself synchronized on each ec2 instance and used as user directory.
                                # The possibility of adding resource_files is especially necessary to run custom frameworks.
  resource_ignore:              # files ignored when listing `resource_files`, especially if those contain directories.
    - '*/lib/*'
    - '*/venv/*'
    - '*/__pycache__/*'
    - '*/.marker_*'
    - '*.swp'
  minimize_instances: false    # if true,
  use_docker: false            # if true, EC2 instances will run benchmark tasks in a docker instance.
                               # if false, it will run in local mode after cloning project_repository.
                               # Note that using docker in AWS mode requires the docker image being
                               # previously published in a public repository or using an AMI with the pre-downloaded image,
                               # whereas the local mode is self-configured and framework agnostic (works with generic AMI).

Custom Configurations

To override default configuration, create your custom config.yaml file under the user_dir (specified by the --userdir parameter of The application will automatically load this custom file and apply it on top of the defaults.

When specifying filepaths, configurations support the following placeholders:

Placeholder Replaced By Value Of Default Function
{input} input_dir ~/.openml/cache Folder from which datasets are loaded (and/or downloaded)
{output} output_dir ./results Folder where all outputs (results, logs, predictions, ...) are stored.
{user} user_dir ~/.config/automlbenchmark Folder containing custom configuration files.
{root} root_dir Detected at runtime The root folder of the automlbenchmark application.

For example, including the following snippet in your custom configuration when user_dir is ~/.config/automlbenchmark (which it is by default) changes your input directory to ~/.config/automlbenchmark/data :

input_dir: '{user}/data'   # change the default input directory (where data files are loaded and/or downloaded).

Multiple Configuration Files

It is possible to have multiple configuration files: just create a folder for each config.yaml file and use that folder as your user_dir using --userdir /path/to/config/folder when invoking

Below is an example of a configuration file which 1. changes the directory the datasets are loaded from, 2. specifies additional paths to look up framework, benchmark, and constraint definitions, 3. also makes those available in an S3 bucket when running in AWS mode, and 4. changes the default EC2 instance type for AWS mode.


input_dir: '{user}/data'   # change the default input directory (where data files are loaded and/or downloaded).

  definition_file:  # this allows to add custom framework definitions (in {user}/frameworks.yaml) on top of the default ones.
    - '{root}/resources/frameworks.yaml'
    - '{user}/frameworks.yaml'

  definition_dir:  # this allows to add custom benchmark definitions (under {user}/benchmarks) to the default ones.
    - '{user}/benchmarks'
    - '{root}/resources/benchmarks'
  constraints_file: # this allows to add custom constraint definitions (in {user}/constraints.yaml) on top of the default ones.
    - '{root}/resources/constraints.yaml'
    - '{user}/constraints.yaml'

  resource_files:  # this allows to automatically upload custom config + frameworks to the running instance (benchmark files are always uploaded).
    - '{user}/config.yaml'
    - '{user}/frameworks.yaml'
    - '{user}/constraints.yaml'
    - '{user}/benchmarks'
    - '{user}/extensions'

      series: t3
  use_docker: false  # you can decide to always use the prebuilt docker images on AWS.